Saturday 27th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Ed Asquith" Tag

Jobs For The Boys: Ed Asquith Edition

Everyone with more than a cursory interest in politics knows it is filled with the unemployable, the utterly corrupt and those running the show will funnel money to themselves and their friends at every opportunity. The Coronavirus Plandemic is no [...]

November 9, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

County/Borough Cllr Slams ‘Local Rag’

A Letter to the Editor from County & Borough Councillor Tony RANDERSON [Lab.], taking to task the Scarborough News for sloppy and misleading reporting of a contentious new housing development within his area of responsibility. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, You may [...]

June 2, 2018 Letters

The Invitation

The Invitation an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, examining the curious case of a group of local business people and taxpayers – and their efforts to engage with the leadership of SBC. ~~~~~ I have been approached by [...]

September 3, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

“The Puzzle Palace”

“The Puzzle Palace” After several years of the Scarborough News and/or Whitby Gazette ignoring, demeaning or ouright trashing North Yorks Enquirer coverage of current affairs in local politics and policing, we have now reached the point where Ed ASQUITH, editor [...]

December 29, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Heads Need To Roll!”

Today’s Letter to the Editor comes from occasional Enquirer contributor, BOB ROBERTS – inspired by a letter by Bob HIRD which recently appeared in the Scarborough News (reproduced at the foot of this page) – appears here in full, unredacted [...]

December 21, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but . . .

A Letter to the Editor from Mike WARD of Dunsley – as originally submitted to the Whitby Gazette – challenging the wisdom of Police & Crime Commissioner Julia MULLIGAN’s  authorisation of funding for the civil legal action against citizen journalists [...]

August 15, 2016 Letters

“Out of Ordure!”

In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the eighty-seventh in a continuing series of so-called  “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and far beyond. Readers [...]

August 7, 2016 Photoons

Harassment Allegations: Local Press Coverage

Harassment Allegations: Local Press Coverage an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the Johnston Press coverage of the North Yorks Enquirer campaign to hold to account the decades-long failure of the North Yorkshire Police to arrest [...]

February 27, 2015 North Yorkshire Police, Whitby Town

POTASH – Jobs For The Boys (Which Boys?)

POTASH – Jobs For The Boys (Which Boys?) an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, pointing up the stark contrast between the potash dream and the potash reality. ~~~~~ It is coming up for four years now since Robert [...]

December 5, 2014 Misc

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part Two]

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part Two] an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward – reporting on some disturbing revelations regarding serious doubts about the impartiality of the local press coverage of the Sirius Minerals planning application. Click here to [...]

May 21, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority, Scarborough Borough Council