Monday 22nd July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Monthly Archives: July 2024

York Potash Petition Faked

A petition in support of the proposed York Potash polyhalite mine near Whitby is being investigated by the North York Moors National Park Authority after it emerged that the names of Whitby and Scarborough residents were falsely added. Two contributors [...]

May 31, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority

Operation Countryman II (4) – Update

Operation Countryman II (4) – Update – a brief update by TIM HICKS ~ The initial Sunday Express investigation into Jimmy Savile’s activities in Scarborough stated “Jimmy Savile was named by police as being part of a paedophile ring which allegedly [...]

May 30, 2013 North Yorkshire Police

Police Chief’s “Impossible Journeys”

Police Chief’s  “Impossible Journeys” an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on an extraordinarily penny-pinching pecuniary advantage obtained by one who, perhaps above all others, should be (and be seen to be) ‘whiter than white’. ~ “Les Misér(ables)” [...]

May 27, 2013 Hambleton District Council, North Yorkshire County Council, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

Operation Countryman II (3): JACONELLIGATE

Operation Countryman II (3):  JACONELLIGATE – In the third of his Operation Countryman II series of articles investigating corruption in North Yorkshire Police (NYP), TIM HICKS continues his investigation into the way Alderman Peter Jaconelli (arguably Britain’s most successful and [...]

May 22, 2013 North Yorkshire Police, Scarborough Borough Council

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part Two]

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part Two] an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward – reporting on some disturbing revelations regarding serious doubts about the impartiality of the local press coverage of the Sirius Minerals planning application. Click here to [...]

May 21, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority, Scarborough Borough Council

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part One]

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part One] – an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on some widely-believed assertions about the NYP Major Fraud Investigation Team’s investigation into the formation of new minerals companies in the NYMNP. [Part Two [...]

May 19, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority, Scarborough Borough Council

SAVILEGATE: Operation Countryman II (2)

SAVILEGATE: Operation Countryman II (2) In the second of his Operation Countryman II series of articles investigating corruption in North Yorkshire Police (NYP), TIM HICKS continues his investigation into the cover up over the way Alderman Peter Jaconelli (arguably Britain’s [...]

May 15, 2013 North Yorkshire Police, Scarborough Borough Council

Double-Dipping: McCartney Puts Record Straight!

All has been quiet on the Double-Dipping front for some time now; not really surprising given that North Yorkshire County Council elections were scheduled for the 2nd May. No-one was willing to stick their head above the parapet, given it [...]

May 15, 2013 North Yorkshire County Council, Selby District Council

Jimmy Savile: the Hospitals investigations

Jimmy Savile: the Hospitals investigations –  TIM HICKS reports on the latest hospital investigations of systemic abuse allegations  at Rampton, High Rouds and Leeds General Infirmary. ~~~~~~ Regular readers of Real Whitby will have be aware that we have been [...]

May 10, 2013 North Yorkshire Police

Jimmy Savile: the Hospitals investigations

Jimmy Savile: the Hospitals investigations – Corruption Buster TIM HICKS reports on the latest hospital investigations of systemic abuse allegations  at Rampton, High Rouds and Leeds General Infirmary. ~ Regular readers of Real Whitby will have be aware that we [...]

May 10, 2013 North Yorkshire Police, Scarborough Borough Council