Tuesday 23rd July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Monthly Archives: July 2024

COCKERILL – The Yes-Man Who Always Says “No!”

COCKERILL – The Yes-Man Who Always Says “No!” – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the astonishing rudeness, arrogance and obvious unfitness for public service of the SBC Portfolio Holder for Disastrous Public Relations, Councillor Mike [...]

January 31, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

NYP: Key Witnesses Sought re Scarborough Robbery Attempt

NYP: Key Witnesses Sought re Scarborough Robbery Attempt Police in Scarborough are appealing for key witnesses to come forward following an attempted robbery in the town on Friday 26th January 2018. It happened at around 10.30pm at the junction of [...]

January 30, 2018 Appeals

“Why Do We in Whitby Pay More Council Tax?”

Whitby resident Ian DIXON has requested that the Enquirer publish his recent email to Scarborough & Whitby MP Robert GOODWILL on the subject of comparative Council Tax demands under different local authorities.  It is reproduced below as today’s Letter to [...]

January 30, 2018 Letters

£4k/hour Councillor’s Non-Declaration of Interests?

My Open Letter to SBC Portfolio Holder for Legal & Governance, Councillor John NOCK [Con.], seeking answers to serious questions regarding the acts and/or omissions of Standards Committee Chair, Councillor Heather PHILLIPS [Con.], following revelations made public in my article [...]

January 29, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

NYP: Appeal re Robin Hood’s Bay Quad Bike Thefts

NYP: Appeal re Robin Hood’s Bay Quad Bike Thefts Police attended a series of crimes in the Robinhoods Bay area last night (Saturday 27th January 2018). A quad bike and two motorcycles had been stolen and a number of sheds [...]

January 28, 2018 Appeals

“If You Know What’s Good For You”

A  Letter to the Editor from former Redcar & Cleveland Borough Councillor David WILLIAMS, who writes to confirm recent reports of bullying and intimidation of ordinary ‘foot soldier’ Councillors by Council Officers and Executive Councillors, seemingly all across our region. [...]

January 28, 2018 Letters, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council

“Our Finite Planet”

A Letter to the Editor from Scarborough Borough Councillor Dilys CLUER [Green], writing in response to the Enquirer’s coverage of the latest up-date to the Doomsday Clock. ~~~~~ Sir, The Doomsday Clock should be considered seriously by all politicians and [...]

January 27, 2018 Letters

“Doomsday Clock Statement”

“Doomsday Clock Statement” Shifting focus, momentarily, from the provincial to the global, readers may appreciate the opportunity to consider the views set out in the Science and Security Board “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists”, edited by John Mecklin. The Bulletin [...]

January 26, 2018 Misc

“Gold Standards”

In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the one hundred and twenty-seventh in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and [...]

January 25, 2018 Photoons, Scarborough Borough Council

BWQ: BacTrack Yorkshire Water Report Fingers McCAIN

BWQ: BacTrack Yorkshire Water Report Fingers McCAIN an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, introducing readers to the conclusions of the BacTrac bathing water report to Yorkshire Water. ~~~~~ Readers who have followed with interest the Enquirer’s coverage of [...]

January 24, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council