Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

SBC – Electoral Ward Boundary Revisions

SBC – Electoral Ward Boundary Revisions Scarborough Borough Council has announced the outcome, following public consultation, of the review of ward boundaries throughout the Borough. This will result in a Council of only 46 elected members. The present Council comprises [...]

April 4, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Leader Embraces Madness

SBC Leader Embraces Madness The Enquirer is grateful to the Councillors who kindly drew attention to the following ‘Notebook: Lifestyle’ column in The Guardian (3rd February 2018, and Sunday’s Observer), by Helen PIDD, which we are happy to reproduce for [...]

February 5, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

Farmer Bob’s Extracontextual ‘Fess-Up

Farmer Bob’s Extracontextual ‘Fess-Up Insignificantly, Scarborough & Whitby Conservative MP Robert Goodwill has been passed over in the Prime Minister’s latest Cabinet re-shuffle. In an uncharacteristic gesture of candour, Mr Goodwill has shared his personal post-sacking ruminations with readers of [...]

January 20, 2018 Misc

The Whitby Secondary School Saga

The Whitby Secondary School Saga The Enquirer’s education and governance contributor MIKE WARD comments on the crossroads reached in Whitby education with the departure of the town’s two secondary school Headteachers – Keith PRYTHERCH and Sue WHELAN – concurrent with [...]

January 17, 2018 North Yorkshire County Council

“What The Frack?!”

A Guest Author Ryan SHEADER of Scarborough has been following events at KM8 – the Kirby Misperton ‘fracking’ site. This report provides some much-needed background information – some of it deeply disturbing. ~~~~~ I read with interest the recent article [...]

December 18, 2017 Letters

Tried But Not Trusted

Today’s Guest Author is one of the brightest and most articulate young prospects to appear on the Scarborough & Whitby local politics scene in a very long tine – HUGO FEARNLEY, local business owner and Chair of the Whitby Branch [...]

December 18, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

“The Good Old Days”

“The Good Old Days” Christmas 1955 – Ironical Aspirations . . . New Year’s Day 2018 – Harsh Reality . . . (not a Blue Flag in sight) . . . Happy Dip! [...]

December 15, 2017 Misc

SBC Email Interceptions – What’s New?

SBC Email Interceptions – What’s New? Guest Author Mike Ward (a former SBC Councillor [Ind.] for six years) writes to share his own experiences of email interception – and breaches of confidentiality – by Senior SBC Officers. Time for all [...]

December 15, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Here’s One In The (Private) Eye For KITSON & Co.

Here’s One In The (Private) Eye For KITSON & Co. Private Eye’s ‘Rotten Boroughs’, the nation’s sharpest and most feared exposer of dodgy Councils, has once again highlighted Scarborough Borough Council. This time, it is the STASI-like behaviour of Legal [...]

November 30, 2017 Private Eye, Scarborough Borough Council

Fracking – the Greatest Threat?

Today’s Guest Author is MARK VESEY, Green Councillor for the Ramshill Ward of Scarborough Borough Council, who writes to shed light on the controversial subject of hydraulic fracturing – fracking. ~~~~~ What is the greatest threat to the residents of [...]

November 23, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council