Friday 19th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

PCN Procedure for CPZs

A number of people have started to receive replies they’ve made to the council about the Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) they’ve received. This article details the PCN procedure so you know what to expect and when. Please do not ignore [...]

January 6, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Disc Zone PCN Appeals

Disc Zone PCN Appeal This appeal is tailored for Scarborough residents who’ve received a PCN after being parked in an on-street parking bay in one of Scarborough’s residential parking zones. Zone map is here. The same text can currently be [...]

January 6, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Over 1,000 Signatures – And Counting

Over 1,000 Signatures – And Counting A petition on the GoPetition website launched by a resident of Scarborough has achieved over one thousand signatures. The Petition asks the public to support the following statement: Clearly, the Petition carries no weight [...]

January 4, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

MARRIOTT: Open Letter To All Scarborough

An Open Letter to the Councillors and electors of the Borough of Scarborough from Mr Ben MARRIOTT, the “whistleblower” at the heart of the fraud and corruption “whitewash”, directly challenging Mrs Lisa DIXON’s version of events. In particular; “What you [...]

January 2, 2017 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“A Referendum Majority”

An Open Letter to the Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.], from Charles and Susan AIRLIE. This letter/email has been circulated by the authors to all 50 Scarborough Borough Councillors. ~~~~~ Dear Cllr. Bastiman, At time of [...]

December 31, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council
County Hall - Northallerton

Councils Refuse Parking Refunds

As seen in the Scarborough News yesterday, YCR earlier in the week and confirmed on the SBC and NYCC websites, the councils are refusing to refund PCNs after Scarborough’s Disc Zone was ruled “unenforceable” and “an inelegant mess” by the [...]

December 30, 2016 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

“The Puzzle Palace”

“The Puzzle Palace” After several years of the Scarborough News and/or Whitby Gazette ignoring, demeaning or ouright trashing North Yorks Enquirer coverage of current affairs in local politics and policing, we have now reached the point where Ed ASQUITH, editor [...]

December 29, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“No-One Will Ever Know”

A Letter to the Editor from Chartered Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner and citizen investigative-journalist TIM HICKS, offering a professional view on the MARRIOTT case. ~~~~~ Dear Sir,  I am writing to you on a number of topics, but primarily to [...]

December 23, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

UKIP’s Disc Zone Parking Statement

UKIP’s Scarborough & Whitby Borough Councillors have made the following statement regarding the Traffic Penalty Tribunal’s judgement that Scarborough & Whitby’s Disc Zone are legally unenforceable. UKIP Scarborough and Whitby are very disappointed to learn that despite our enquiries just [...]

December 22, 2016 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: MARRIOTT “Whitewash” Costs Council £¼M

SBC: MARRIOTT “Whitewash” Costs Council £¼M Today’s Scarborough News reports the outcome of the final hearing (in Hull – not Bradford, as the SN states) in the Ben MARRIOTT constructive dismissal claim. Mr MARRIOTT is reported as estimating that by [...]

December 22, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council