Mr GOODWILL’s Response on Council Tax On published an Open Letter to Scarborough & Whitby MP, Mr Robert GOODWILL, from Whitby resident Ian DIXON, under the self-explanatory title “Why Do We in Whitby Pay More Council Tax?”. Mr DIXON has [...]
February 11, 2018
Whitby resident Ian DIXON has requested that the Enquirer publish his recent email to Scarborough & Whitby MP Robert GOODWILL on the subject of comparative Council Tax demands under different local authorities. It is reproduced below as today’s Letter to [...]
Farmer Bob’s Extracontextual ‘Fess-Up Insignificantly, Scarborough & Whitby Conservative MP Robert Goodwill has been passed over in the Prime Minister’s latest Cabinet re-shuffle. In an uncharacteristic gesture of candour, Mr Goodwill has shared his personal post-sacking ruminations with readers of [...]
In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the one hundred and twenty-second in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and [...]
November 24, 2017
A Letter to the Editor from SBC Councillor Rob BARNETT [Lab.] (Whitby Streonshalh), who writes to lament the decline of our much-loved town of Whitby under two tiers of Tory-led local government. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, Once again, thank you for [...]
November 22, 2017
With a view to ending wild speculation circulating freely in the Borough of Scarborough, the Enquirer is pleased to re-direct readers to the blog-site of TOM PRIDE – where an UN-REDACTED image of the list appears, in the public domain. [...]
GOODWILL ‘Mauled by Pit Bull’ The Huffington Post has reported that, in a live interview on Channel 5 on Friday 13th October 2017 (unlucky for some, Bob), rising-star BBC interviewer Amanda BARNETT decimated Scarborough and Whitby MP Robert GOODWILL with [...]
A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF, of Whitby, writing in response to Councillor Rob BARNETT’s letter (“Down at the Bottom of the Heap”) of 14th September 2017. ~~~ Dear Editor, It is a DISGRACE! I refer to Rob [...]
September 26, 2017
No GOODWILL For Fire Risk tenants an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on Scarborough & Whitby’s MP Robert GOODWILL, caring Conservative landlord. [UPDATED at 15:13 on Friday 16th June 2016] ~~~~~ Following the fire at 27-storey residential [...]
As ever, CodHead is swift to pick up on a point of priniciple. [Satire] [...]