Saturday 27th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Councillor Mike Ward" Tag

SBC Email Interceptions – What’s New?

SBC Email Interceptions – What’s New? Guest Author Mike Ward (a former SBC Councillor [Ind.] for six years) writes to share his own experiences of email interception – and breaches of confidentiality – by Senior SBC Officers. Time for all [...]

December 15, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Whitby Raw Sewage Leak: Up-Date

Whitby Raw Sewage Leak: Up-Date Further to last week’s article “WTC – Toilets: “What Could Go Wrong?”” reporting on the raw sewage leak in the lower horse field to the west of Whitby Abbey Car Park (see below), a week [...]

August 21, 2017 Whitby Town

The Whitby Brand

The Whitby Brand Some observations on the state-of-play in Whitby, by Guest Author MIKE WARD, on upcoming proposals in and around Whitby. ~~~~~ The Whitby Brand Much is being made of the Whitby Brand and SBC’s new strategy for tourism [...]

August 9, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Whitby Town Council Caught Short

Guest Author MIKE WARD , former SBC Councillor [Ind.], offer his (unabridged) comments on the imprudence of Whitby Town Council. ~~~~~ Whitby Town Council Caught Short Has Whitby once again been taken to the cleaners by SBC? They have persuaded [...]

July 20, 2017 Whitby Town

The Hidden Agenda – a Closing Chapter?

The Hidden Agenda – a Closing Chapter? by Guest Author MIKE WARD. ~~~~~ Are we are entering the closing chapter in Whitby’s secondary schools’ long-running saga? Do County Officials really care about the future of education in our Town? We [...]

May 9, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

No Hidden Agenda?! – Part 3

Guest Author Mike Ward follows up on his recent articles. ~~~~~ No Hidden Agenda?! – Part 3 It has long been said that there is a right way, a wrong way and the Whitby way. However, educational issues, with the [...]

March 26, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

Whitby Schools PR Wars

Whitby Schools PR Wars Mystery surrounds a brace of mutually contradictory social media postings concerning the future of Eskdale School in Whitby. On Friday 24th March 2017. Mr Keith PRYTHERCH, Headteacher at Caedmon College Whitby, posted the following Tweet: Setting [...]

March 25, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

No Hidden Agenda – Part 2

Guest Author Mike Ward follows up on his recent article “A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?!”. ~~~~~ No Hidden Agenda – Part 2 Changes appear to be afoot at Caedmon College Whitby, with redundancies being announced. Potential 6th Form students [...]

March 21, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council
A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?!

A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?!

Guest Author Mike Ward, former Chair of Governors at Eskdale School, Whitby, shares his observations on a recent incredible OfSTED Report ~~~~~ A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?! Is there still a hidden agenda behind what is happening in education [...]

March 16, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

SBC: The Winter of Our Discontent

SBC: The Winter of Our Discontent an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, inspecting the growing grass-roots of the Scarborough Spring. ~~~~~ Readers may find of interest the following “back-of-a-fag-packet” speculative analysis of the mounting tide of discontent in [...]

February 17, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council