Friday 19th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

Tried But Not Trusted

Today’s Guest Author is one of the brightest and most articulate young prospects to appear on the Scarborough & Whitby local politics scene in a very long tine – HUGO FEARNLEY, local business owner and Chair of the Whitby Branch [...]

December 18, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Email Interceptions – What’s New?

SBC Email Interceptions – What’s New? Guest Author Mike Ward (a former SBC Councillor [Ind.] for six years) writes to share his own experiences of email interception – and breaches of confidentiality – by Senior SBC Officers. Time for all [...]

December 15, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Statement re Devious Dave’s Email Interceptions

SBC Statement re Devious Dave’s Email Interceptions an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, examining and analysing SBC’s knee-jerk reaction to the Private Eye exposé of email interception by Deputy Monitoring Officer David P. KITSON. ~~~~ The statement issued [...]

December 8, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Another Half A Million For Benchmark?

Scarborough Borough Council’s (SBC) Capital Budget spending for 2017/18 was detailed in the documentation for the 14th November 2017 Cabinet meeting. Hidden away on page 65 of the lengthy Agenda Reports Pack was a table of spending for 2017/18, most [...]

December 4, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Councillor Calls for Abolition of SBC

SBC Councillor Calls for Abolition of SBC Scarborough Borough Councillor Rob BARNETT [Lab.] (Whitby Streonshalh) has called for the abolition of SBC, citing arguments and recommendations in the report by Res Publica published in the Yorkshire Post on 17th November [...]

December 2, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Here’s One In The (Private) Eye For KITSON & Co.

Here’s One In The (Private) Eye For KITSON & Co. Private Eye’s ‘Rotten Boroughs’, the nation’s sharpest and most feared exposer of dodgy Councils, has once again highlighted Scarborough Borough Council. This time, it is the STASI-like behaviour of Legal [...]

November 30, 2017 Private Eye, Scarborough Borough Council

North Bay Blue Flag: The 61% Deception

North Bay Blue Flag: The 61% Deception an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the strange reticence of our local and regional public institutions to announce Scarborough North Bay’s loss of its Blue Flag for ‘EXCELLENT’ Bathing [...]

November 26, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Fracking – the Greatest Threat?

Today’s Guest Author is MARK VESEY, Green Councillor for the Ramshill Ward of Scarborough Borough Council, who writes to shed light on the controversial subject of hydraulic fracturing – fracking. ~~~~~ What is the greatest threat to the residents of [...]

November 23, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Big Brother’s Disappearing Emails

SBC: Big Brother’s Disappearing Emails an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, highlighting the moral bankruptcy of Scarborough Borough Council’s Legal & Democratic Services department. ~~~~~ Regular readers may recall the following video-clip extract from the Scarborough Borough Council [...]

November 19, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Pleads Poverty

Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) are pleading poverty on Yorkshire Coast Radio stating they need to save £4.7million over the next three years due to reduced funding from Conservative Central Government. In the interview, Cllr Helen Mallory, cabinet member for Finance [...]

November 18, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council