Hambleton District Council Regular readers may remember an article about Councillors at Hambleton District Council (HDC) and the free Broadband connection they receive as elected members. Through FOI requests, we established that eighteen of the forty four elected district Councillors [...]
Regular readers may remember a recent article about Conservative Councillors claiming for travel to attend Conservative Group Meetings at County Hall, North Yorkshire County Council’s (NYCC) headquarters in Northallerton. From the Freedom of Information (FOI) data gathered – the mileage [...]
When you ask elected Councillors about the Scarborough Open Air Theatre (OAT), its viability and profitability, you generally get a rose-tinted view of a bygone age. The Councillors themselves probably don’t realise the full scale of the financial horrors as [...]
On the 30th July 2013, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) issued Decision Notice FS50488131 against Scarborough Borough Council (SBC). The Decision Notice issued against SBC relates to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request which asked for sight of the pre-application [...]
Regular readers may remember the 2012 attempts by Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) to move the Town Hall, based on St Nicholas Street in the heart of Scarborough town centre, to an industrial estate on the edge of the Borough with [...]
Regular readers may remember a few recent articles about the mileage of Councillors at North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC). From the NYCC data, we established that during a three year period sufficient mileage was claimed to drive to the moon [...]
The minutes from North Yorkshire County Council Executive meetings are normally mundane, but the minutes from 29th November 2011 and 3rd July 2012 reveal some startling allegations against Officers of North Yorkshire Trading Standards (NYTS) and North Yorkshire County Council. [...]
Information on the website of the York Potash parent company, Sirius Minerals, seems to indicate the York Potash project is changing direction yet again. Regular readers may remember the original York Potash plan. The plan was to sink a couple [...]
The Futurist Theatre sits empty, no shows during the spring, summer shows start August 1st through to September, visitor numbers slashed, future looking bleak for autumn/winter, local traders income slashed and the local economy has taken quite a hit. The [...]
In January this year, FOI questions were put to Hambleton District Council attempting to find out what their policy was regarding Broadband and the Council’s forty-four elected members. It turned out that the Council provided a Broadband connection free of [...]