Saturday 31st August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

“A Sad Day for Freedom of Speech at ERYC”

A Letter to the Editor from Paul ROBINSON – former Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner for Humberside and a former Conservative East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor. ~~~~~ Dear Sir, Just How Bad Can It Get For ERYC Leader Councillor Steve [...]

April 15, 2017 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Letters

WHITBY PIERS: 17 Questions For The Leader

WHITBY PIERS: 17 Questions For The Leader An Open Letter from the Fight 4 Whitby Group, raising seventeen questions for SBC Leader Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] regarding the deplorable negligence of the Whitby Piers. Any coherent answers will be published [...]

April 5, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

“No!” to Filey HA23

A Letter to the Editor from 80 residents of Filey, protesting bias and incompetence at Scarborough Borough Council Planning Department. ~~~~~ Dear Mr Editor, Would you please consider publishing the issues raised in this letter? There are serious questions of [...]

March 16, 2017 Letters

On Boobgate & Boobs

Dear Sir, I write with what I hope will be the last item on the Boobgate saga to be printed in the North Yorks Enquirer. In my last article on the “Boobgate” scandal concerning Assistant Chief Constable Rebecca Sutcliffe of [...]

March 13, 2017 Police

SBC 2017/18 Budget: Labour Press Release

Following the latest fiasco at Scarborough Borough Council, Labour Group Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS has issued a Press Release. This follows hard on the heels of a public challenge to the integrity of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Procurement & [...]

March 1, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Open Letter to Mr. Dillon – SBC

Open Letter to Mr. Dillon, Scarborough Borough Council 24th February, 2017. Dear Mr. Dillon, During the Full Council Meeting on 9th January 2017, item 8b) in her first statement Helen Mallory said: It is only right to inform you that [...]

March 1, 2017 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Labour/UKIP Condemn NYCC 2.5% Allowances Increase

Labour/UKIP Condemn Allowances Increase Following yesterday’s meeting of North Yorkshire County Council, the Enquirer has received two Press Releases – first from County Councillor Tony RANDERSON [Lab.] and, within minutes, from County Councillor David SIMISTER [Ukip] criticising the extraordinary decision [...]

February 16, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

“A Servant of the Public”

A Letter to the Editor from Tony GREEN, former SBC Officer and long-time campaigner for the beautiful town of Filey, scene of Monday night’s historic 12:1 vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the CEO, Leader and Cabinet of Scarborough Borough Council, [...]

February 15, 2017 Filey Town, Letters


A Letter to the Editor from Bob ROBERTS, of Scarborough, giving voice to the concerns of many residents throughout the Borough of Scarborough. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, Politics globally, nationally and now, it would seem, even at a local level, are [...]

February 12, 2017 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

CCW: “Crystal-Ball Gazing”

A Letter to the Editor from an ex-pat from North Yorkshire, Win SMITH, crystal-ball gazing on the subject of Caedmon College Whitby, where OfSTED has recently conducted an Inspection. ~~~~~ Sir, When is average good? Perhaps when OFSTED inspects CCW. [...]

February 6, 2017 Letters, North Yorkshire County Council