Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

“A Little Respect? Too Little Respect!”

A Letter to the Editor from Connie PEACH, responding to the defensive/aggressive reaction of Councillor Phil TRUMPER [Con.] to the publication of news that a Formal Complaint against him (for failing to declare an interest) has been upheld. ~~~~~ Dear [...]

October 10, 2017 Letters

“It is a DISGRACE!”

A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF, of Whitby, writing in response to Councillor Rob BARNETT’s letter (“Down at the Bottom of the Heap”) of 14th September 2017. ~~~ Dear Editor, It is a DISGRACE! I refer to Rob [...]

September 26, 2017 Letters

“Down at the Bottom of the Heap”

A Letter to the Editor from SBC Councillor Rob BARNETT [Lab.], commenting on the Social Marketing Foundation’s verdict on the Borough of Scarborough insofar as it reflects the ‘rose-tinted’ Leadership of Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.]. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, “Scarborough: The [...]

September 14, 2017 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“S’borough Salaries 30% Below National Average”

A Letter to the Editor from Kevin STAINTON of Scarborough, in reaction to a Social Marketing Foundation report (‘Living on the edge: Britain’s coastal communities’) highlighting the abysmal average salary in the Borough – 30% below the national average – [...]

September 5, 2017 Letters

Yorkshire Soldier Buried in Unmarked Grave Identified

A Letter to the Editor from contributor TIM HICKS, who writes to appeal for relatives of Lance Corporal William “Ginger” Loney of the Parachute Regiment to come forward. ~~~~~ Dear Sir, Yorkshire Soldier Buried in Unmarked Grave Identified I was [...]

August 24, 2017 Appeals, Letters

“Do You Trust Your Council?”

A Letter to the Editor from Trevor SAUNDERS of Cottingham, offering a suggestion to remedy the inadequacy of Councils’ Complaints Procedures. ~~~~~ Sirs, Do You Trust Your Council or the Local Government Ombudsman? No? Then let the local taxpayers have [...]

August 1, 2017 Letters

“Harassing the Sentinels”

A Letter to the Editor from TIM HICKS, commenting on abuses of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 to silence the sentinels whose scrutiny keeps our public servants on the straight and narrow. ~~~~~ Dear Sir, I write concerning the [...]

July 15, 2017 Letters

“Chamber of Horrors”

A Letter to the Editor from Rob BARNETT, SBC Labour Councillor for Streonshalh ward, responding to recent Meetings of Full Council at at Scarborough Town Hall. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, In the interests of democracy, openness, and transparency in Government, I [...]

July 11, 2017 Letters

“Is It Safe?”

A Letter to the Editor from Allan ROBERTS, who has identified that which apparently passed unnoticed by Councillors present at the Meeting of Full Council on 3rd July 2017 – another deft evasion, by Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], of providing [...]

July 9, 2017 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“The Importance of Free and Diverse Local Media”

A Letter to the Editor from contributor TIM HICKS, in anticipation, perhaps, of the forthcoming publication of the Mazars Report. Or perhaps in anticipation of Councillor Cockerill’s somewhat delayed response to our request for assurances regarding the cladding on The [...]

July 7, 2017 Letters