Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

Another Cleveland Police Sex Corruption Scandal

Another Cleveland Police Sex Corruption Scandal A Letter to the Editor from NYE crime correspondent TIM HICKS. ~~~~~ Sir, Cleveland Police has been hit with scandal after scandal. They are specified in my article calling for re-organisation of policing in [...]

July 14, 2019 Letters, Police

“Rank Hypocrisy”

“Rank Hypocrisy” A Letter to the Editor by NORMAN MURPHY, the former Independent Councillor who many Scarborians hoped would assume the Leadership of the Council, following the Tory collapse. Norman minces no words, beats about no bushes and calls it [...]

July 2, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Skullduggery in Higher Places?

In today’s Letter to the Editor, Filey resident JOHN MOOK offers a personal opinion on some very strange Planning activities at the by-now infamous HA24 development in Filey which have all the makings of . . . – THE NEXT [...]

June 24, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Backward In Coming Forward”

In confirmation of reports suggesting that the Scarborough Borough Council Forward Plan has been delayed for want of a signature (from the Portfolio Holder for Economy, Communities & Commercial Councillor Liz COLLING [Lab.], who has apparently been on holiday), Councillor [...]

June 18, 2019 Letters

“Inside – Looking Out?”

A Letter to the Editor from MICHELLE DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF – a member of the Independent Group at Scarborough Borough Council – who writes to offer an inside view of a becalmed Council. ~~~~~ To the editor – I read with some [...]

June 12, 2019 Letters

Tory PM-hopeful BLOCKED by SBC

Tory PM-hopeful BLOCKED by SBC The Enquirer is fortunate to have received sight of the following email from NYE Police & Crime correspondent Tim HICKS to former Scarborough Borough Council Leader, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.], whose policy to intercept and [...]

May 31, 2019 Letters

PF&C Commissioner Mulligan: Hypocrisy Personified

Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan: Hypocrisy Personified A Letter to the Editor from Police & Crime correspondent TIM HICKS, commenting on the most recent in a long line of unacceptable acts and omissions on the part of Police, [...]

May 27, 2019 North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner


A Letter to the Editor from Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF [Ind.] (Hunmanby) reflecting on the collapse of the Tory majority – and warning of a potential BASTIMAN-led Tory rebound, given the merest hint of a fault-line in the bedrock of the [...]

May 22, 2019 Letters

“Wildly Conflicting Views” [Letters]

Two wildly conflicting Letters to the Editor – from regulars NORMAN MURPHY and FRANK SHEPHERD – commenting, respectively, on factors contributing to the outcome of the recent local elections and the portends for the future under a new regime. ~~~~~ [...]

May 17, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“D.I.Y. Demolitions”

A Letter to the Editor from Scarborough resident ALI WILKINS, who has picked up on a cool half-million (or two) that will come as a surprise to many. ~~~ Nobody could fail to have noticed the changes at SBC over [...]

May 12, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council