Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

“The Lie of the Land”

“The LIE of the Land” Guest Author ALDERMAN NORMAN MURPHY examines the existential crisis at Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd and challenges BID Chair Clive Rowe-Evans to justify his propaganda. ~~~~~ As many of you will have seen. elected members of Scarborough [...]

August 2, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Stormin’ Norman’s BID Summary

Stormin’ Norman’s BID Summary Guest Author and regular NYE contributor Alderman NORMAN MURPHY sets forth his views on recent developments in the on-going saga of Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd and its “death by a thousand cuts”. ~~~~~ Although not a BID Levy-payer [...]

July 14, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Scarborough Borough Council

How ‘Urgent’ – that Leader’s Urgent Decision?

How ‘Urgent’ – that Leader’s Urgent Decision? North Yorks Enquirer’s harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS examines the rationale behind yet another autocratic short-cut of democratic checks and balances. ~~~~~ I am puzzled to note that, on 25th May 2022 and under the [...]

May 29, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Tory’s Newby Election Campaign

Tory’s Newby Election Campaign Guest Author Alderman Norman Murphy is less than impressed with the Conservative election campaign as rolled out in Newby Division. ~~~~~ Well, Charlie (the Chump) Allanson’s Conservative Party campaign leaflet has finally arrived in my part of Newby. [...]

April 21, 2022 North Yorkshire County Council

Town Deal Board Hood-Winked?

Town Deal Board Hood-Winked? Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS discloses how members of the Scarborough Town Deal Board (STDB) appear to have been ‘rail-roaded’ by SBC Officers over the latest so-called West Pier Regeneration Project. A previous incarnation, from fifteen years [...]

April 11, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council


Snouts Guest Author Alderman Norman Murphy casts a critical gaze over Labour candidates seeking election to the new North Yorkshire Council 0n 5th May 2022. ~~~~~ Well, as predicted, once the UNITARY election TROUGH was opened, Siddons’ and Jefferson’s little piggies have come rushing [...]

April 9, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Labour’s 3 Lost Years

Labour’s 3 Lost Years Concluding his article “A Rose by Any Other Name”, Alderman Norman Murphy surveys Labour’s ineffectual three-year administration of Scarborough Borough Council. ‘Promised’ versus ‘Delivered’ – a complete whitewash. ~~~~~ As promised, I have pleasure in presenting to you, [...]

April 3, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Labour: “A Rose by Any Other Name”

Labour: “A Rose by Any Other Name” Ahead of the 5th May elections for the new unitary North Yorkshire Council, popular Guest Author Alderman Norman Murphy reviews the Labour Party election blurb. [Part 2 to follow] ~~~~~ As many residents will be [...]

March 21, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Missing: 1 Boat Hoist

Missing: 1 Boat Hoist NYE Harbours Correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS identifies another significant omission from the Council’s duties to Harbour-users. As ever, ALLAN makes his point by citing the Council’s own words . . . ~~~~~ Scarborough Borough Council claims that part [...]

March 15, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Labour Councillors Investigated

Labour Councillors Investigated Alderman NORMAN MURPHY sets out to explain the external investigations commissioned by SBC in response to multiple allegations of breaches of the Councillors Code of Conduct, the Seven NOLAN Principles of Public Life and the Localism Act 2011. [...]

March 9, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council