Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?!

A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?!

Guest Author Mike Ward, former Chair of Governors at Eskdale School, Whitby, shares his observations on a recent incredible OfSTED Report ~~~~~ A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?! Is there still a hidden agenda behind what is happening in education [...]

March 16, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

STF Business Proposal Published

Save The Futurist Business Plan Published The Save The Futurist group has published its long-awaited Business Proposal – and it makes for compelling reading: In related news, the Scarborough resident’s PETITION calling for a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in Cllr [...]

January 6, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: South Bay Pollution – The Chips Are Down

SBC: South Bay Pollution – The Chips Are Down A Guest Author article by Bob ROBERTS (who has been investigating the causes of the poor water quality in Cornelian Bay – and now Scarborough South Bay – for some years), [...]

December 11, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

“Just When You Thought It Was Safe…”

Today’s Guest Author is ALLAN ROBERTS of Scarborough, who has been monitoring Scarborough Borough Council’s reaction to the news that Scarborough South Bay bathing water rating has been down-graded from ‘sufficient’ to ‘poor’. ~~~~~ The 8th November 2016 presented devastating [...]

November 26, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

Private Eye: Knacker’s £1M War Chest

Private Eye: Knacker’s £1M War Chest Readers who caught the Private Eye article featured on the Enquirer two weeks ago will no doubt find today’s Police 5 follow-up of special interest. Those who missed that earlier article may view it [...]

September 14, 2016 Police

Operation Hyson Featured In ‘Private Eye’

Operation Hyson Featured In ‘Private Eye’ Regular readers of the North Yorkshire Enquirer who have followed the progress of Operation Hyson – the civil legal action pursued by North Yorkshire Police following the failure of Operation Rome (an abortive attempt [...]

August 31, 2016 Police

ERYC: Con ex-Councillor Charged With Sex Offences

Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY reports on the East Riding’s breaking CSA story. ~~~~~ ERYC Con Charged With Sex Offences A former ERYC Councillor has been charged with nine offences of sex abuse. Arthur Hodgson resigned as a Con Councillor for the South East Holderness [...]

August 30, 2016 East Riding of Yorkshire Council

ERYC Cons – Discrimination & Hate Crimes

Guest Author East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor Andy STRANGEWAY reports on on the questionable ERYC commitment to ‘zero tolerance’ with regard to discrimination and hate crime. ~~~~~ At the meeting of the Full Council on 27 July 2016 the topic [...]

August 13, 2016 East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Fitted In: The Cardiff 3 and the Lynette White Inquiry

Fitted In: The Cardiff 3 and the Lynette White Inquiry Readers of the North Yorks Enquirer are invited to check out the following book publication – ‘Fitted In: The Cardiff 3 and the Lynette White Inquiry‘ by renowned justice campaigner [...]

June 28, 2016 Misc

“The Poster Boy of Infamy”

Guest Author Satish SEKAR, author of the “The Cardiff Five: Innocent Beyond Any Doubt” (Waterside Press, 2012), is Founder and Chairman of The Fitted-In Project, a group of concerned people who decided to organise themselves to achieve their potential to facilitate [...]

May 19, 2016 Misc