Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

SBC Annual Report #4 [Business Studies]

SBC Annual Report #4 [Business Studies] Guest Author STORMIN’ NORMAN MURPHY concludes his four-part his summing up of the Pimpernel’s year in office. (Part One [Salt Mines] can be reviewed here. Part Two [Cookery], here). Part Three [Geography], here. Ladies [...]

May 18, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Annual Report #3 [Geography]

SBC Annual Report #3 [Geography] Guest Author STORMIN’ NORMAN MURPHY presents the third of a four-part summing up of the Pimpernel’s year in office. (Part One [Salt Mines] can be reviewed here. Part Two [Cookery], here) Ladies and gentlemen . [...]

May 9, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Annual Report #2 [Cookery]

SBC Annual Report #2 [Cookery] Guest Author STORMIN’ NORMAN MURPHY presents the second of a four-part summing up of the Pimpernel’s year in office. Ladies and gentlemen . . . Part Two [Cookery]: ~~~~~ CLOWN HALL HIGH SCHOOL SCARBOROUGH HEADMASTER [...]

May 3, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Annual Report #1 [Salt Mines]

SBC Annual Report #1 [Salt Mines] Today’s Guest Author is the ever-popular STORMIN’ NORMAN MURPHY, who presents the first of a four-part summing up of the Pimpernel’s year in office. ~~~~~ As I suppose like many people in these unprecedented [...]

April 28, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

The ‘PRIVATE EYE’ Collection

The ‘PRIVATE EYE’ Collection In recent years, the investigative-journalism of the CORRUPTION BUSTERS – supported by a growing number of researchers, analysts and informants – has drawn the attention of the country’s pre-eminent political exposé magazine PRIVATE EYE. In the [...]

April 23, 2020 Private Eye

“Funerals – Our Last Rights”

Funerals – Our Last Rights Having seen North Yorks Enquirer stalwarts TIM THORNE and TIM HICKS highlight senior officers of the North Yorkshire Police acting beyond their authority during the national ‘lockdown’ imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Guest [...]

April 19, 2020 East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Emergency PPE Production – Scarborough

JOHN SENIOR MBE TD DR(Hc) sends the following PRESS RELEASE . . . Helping to Hold the Line    Local South Bay Trader John Wallis is a coordinating  the production of emergency PPE face masks from his seafront business and deliveries [...]

April 12, 2020 Misc

“A BID Too Far”

Guest Author Stormin’  NORMAN MURPHY, former (perhaps future) SBC Councillor, sets forth his views on the Yorkshire Coast BID fiasco – reputedly on a road to nowhere, with directors picking their moment to get off the bus. ~~~~~ “A BID [...]

March 30, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Cooplands’ COVID-19 Commitment

Cooplands’ COVID-19 Commitment Press release: Wednesday 25 March 2020 Cooplands the bakers determined to continue serving its communities in their time of need   Local bakers Cooplands, with shops across neighbourhoods in the North East, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, remain committed [...]

March 26, 2020 Misc

“A Labour Party Stooge?”

“A Labour Party Stooge?” Guest Author “Storming” NORMAN MURPHY exposes a piece of the most devious skulduggery on the part of our present “open and transparent” administration. ~~~~~ As many of you who follow the antics of our Council will [...]

March 3, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council