Monday 02nd September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Tag

County Council: Collusion, Cover-Ups and Coincidences?

Seven months after it was first reported to Scarborough Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council, it seems the Authorities in question are trying to put the saga of the double-dipping, dual-hatted Councillors to bed. Councillors have refused to pay [...]

October 22, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

“Savile Transplant” – CodHead 048

“Savile Transplant” Following news of the intended exhumation of the remains of Sir Jimmy Savile O.B.E., CodHead seems to have a poor opinion of Councillor Bill Chatt’s support for Savile. And the dogs are barking about how keen Councillor Tom [...]

October 11, 2012 Cartoons

SBC Cabinet – worst in the UK

SBC Cabinet – worst in the UK “Fox’s Cabinet of Curiosities” – an ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Following the recent national media exposure in Private Eye, uPSD and many of the [...]

October 11, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Leader Cllr Tom Fox Under Fire

Ever since I read the e-mail sent to Tim Hicks about ‘Broadband Double-Dipping’ accusing some contributors of being bullies and Internet trolls, I’ve been trying to get into the mindset of the author. I’ve heard the author refer to Nigel [...]

October 4, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Police poised to act on ‘Double-Dippers’?

Police poised to act on ‘Double-Dippers’? – an ‘In My View’ article – byNIGEL WARD ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Regular readers have been asking me to explain just what it is about ‘double-dipping’ that is such a big deal. [...]

September 26, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Double-Dippers Make Private Eye

North Yorkshire Enquirer contributors, Tim Thorne And Nigel Ward, have taken a story first published nearly six months ago to the national press for the second time in as many months. Many of you will remember that Nigel Ward’s Expose [...]

September 19, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Private Eye, Scarborough Borough Council

Top SBC Councillor outFOXed – or FOX outed?

Top SBC Councillor outFOXed – or FOX outed?   – an ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.” [...]

September 17, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

Cllrs ‘money-for-nothing’ is an ‘entitlement’ – official!

Cllrs ‘money-for-nothing’ is an ‘entitlement’ – official! – an ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST I have received an email from NYCC’s Head of Legal & Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer, Carole DUNN, [...]

September 9, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Duplicitous, Devious & Dumb ‘Double-Dipping’ Denials

Duplicitous, Devious & Dumb ‘Double-Dipping’ Denials – an ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST ACTS OF CORRUPTION in public life occur in a wide variety of forms; from the large-scale, complex and sophisticated [...]

September 2, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

“Me Too!” – a mystery of many parts

“Me Too!” – a mystery of many parts . . . An ‘In My View’ article – byNigel Ward IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Every community produces citizens who are willing to interest themselves in scrutinising the integrity of the administration. [...]

September 1, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council