Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Tag

Scarborough & Alcohol: What Is The Real Agenda?

A series of articles has been run on the North Yorks Enquirer about the efforts of the North Yorkshire Police and Scarborough Borough Council, through their Safer Communities Partnership, to change the culture of alcohol consumption in Scarborough town centre. [...]

September 24, 2014 North Yorkshire Police, Scarborough Borough Council

A Poisoned Challen?

The Scarborough & Whitby Labour Party are currently holding hustings to select their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) for the May 2015 General Election. Top of the list appears to be local Labour Party leader, Colin Challen. Challen was formerly Labour [...]

September 23, 2014 Misc

North Bay Night Club or Family Water Park?

A premises license application by Alpamare UK Ltd has been made to Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) for the planned North Bay Water Park attraction. The content of the premises license application has come as a shock to residents in Scarborough’s [...]

August 28, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Legal: Another Messy Foul-Up

SBC Legal: Another Messy Foul-Up an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, questioning (once more) the massive professional incompetence of the Scarborough Borough Council Legal & Democratic Services Department (SBC Legal), who seemingly cannot even produce the text of [...]

August 17, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

A Free Press in Local Government

A Letter to the Editor from author and political commentator Anthony GREEN, of Filey, who offers his views on the functions of a free press in local government, in the modern age. ~~~~~ Dear Editor I refer to your piece [...]

August 7, 2014 Letters

Council Forced to Re-consult on Motorhomes Ban

On the 28th June 2012 Scarborough Borough Council’s (SBC) Cabinet Member for Human Resources, Performance, Transport and ICT, Penny Marsden, considered report 12/332 produced by the council’s Parking Review Group and approved an advertisement informing affected parties that motorhomes would [...]

August 6, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council


UKIP Backs ANTI-CORRUPTION and ABUSE-OF-POWER CAMPAIGN The North Yorks Enquirer welcomes this opportunity to publish an Open Letter from UK Independence Party members of North Yorkshire County Council: County Councillor David SIMISTER, of the Harrogate Bilton & Nidd Gorge division, [...]

August 4, 2014 North Yorkshire County Council
The Information Commissioner's Office

ICO Forces Scarborough Council To Admit Futurist Figures Made Up

On the 17th July 2014, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) issued Decision Notice FS50536742 against Scarborough Borough Council (SBC). The Decision Notice issued relates to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by campaigners attempting to Save the Futurist Theatre from [...]

August 4, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

Council & Police Demand ID From Under 30s

Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) and North Yorkshire Police (NYP), through their Safer Communities Partnership, have announced the intention to demand ID from revellers to enter certain licensed premises in Scarborough. The six month pilot scheme, which starts today, will make [...]

August 1, 2014 North Yorkshire Police

SBC v ‘Elizabeth’ the Steam Bus: A Lot Of Hot Air

SBC versus ‘Elizabeth’ the Steam Bus: A Lot Of Hot Air an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, questioning just what it is that SBC is getting all steamed up about . . . ~~~~~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST [...]

August 1, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council