Monday 02nd September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Tag

More Flamingo Land Tory Donations

Tory-dominated Scarborough Borough Council’s preferred bidder for the Foreshore Road Futurist Theatre site, Flamingo Land Limited and its director Gordon Gibb, have again made sizable donations to the Tory party. The donations, which were recorded on the Electoral Commission web [...]

January 25, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

Labour Support Futurist Demolition

The final nail in the coffin of Scarborough’s Futurist Theatre appears to have been hammered in by Scarborough & Whitby’s Labour party. The leader of the Scarborough & Whitby Labour party, Cllr Steve Siddons, has confirmed that his party will [...]

January 24, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

95% Of Motor Caravans Unticketable

Guest Author Andy STRANGEWAY highlights a glaring and fatal error in the NYCC/SBC ‘No Motor Caravan’ on-street parking regulations. ~~~~~ 95% Of Motor Caravans Unticketable Despite the fact that I have given Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) numerous opportunities, they have not [...]

January 24, 2016 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Parking Refunds On Cards For Harrogate?

A quick look around Harrogate Borough Council’s (HBC) Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) on Google Streetmap yields a clue where Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) copied their CPZ signage  from. Like Scarborough and Whitby, Harrogate’s CPZs do not make a single mention [...]

December 9, 2015 Harrogate Borough Council

Parking Refunds for Whitby?

A quick look around Whitby’s Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) yields a few clues the local authority that implemented it has taken note of previous implementation problems and has smartened up its act. Last week, I posted an adjudication notice from [...]

December 4, 2015 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Parking Refunds Ahoy!

During May of this year, I wrote an article which detailed why Scarborough’s Residential Parking Zones (CPZs) are a farce. The article highlighted a High Court ruling by Mrs Justice Lang which stated that it was illegal for authorities to [...]

November 29, 2015 Scarborough Borough Council

The Ted Heath Furore

A Letter to the Editor from Tim HICKS, of Luxembourg – a regular contributor to the Enquirer – who writes offering a personal view of the Ted HEATH furore. ~~~~~ Dear Sir,  The Ted Heath Furore I write concerning the [...]

August 18, 2015 Letters

“The Impact Of Inshore Scallop Dredging”

A Letter to the Editor from Patrick FORD, of Scarborough, drawing readers’ attention to a crisis facing the local inshore crab-fishing industry. ~~~~~ Dear sir, My name Patrick Ford. I own the fishing boat  Optimistic SH50. I want to try [...]

August 4, 2015 Letters

Scarborough Parking PCNs Won

Three months ago I wrote an article about why I thought that Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) handed out in on-street Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) in Scarborough by Scarborough Borough Council (SBC), are handed out with the full knowledge that they’d [...]

August 3, 2015 Scarborough Borough Council

JACONELLI: NYCC Leader Cllr. Carl Les Says “Sorry”

JACONELLI: NYCC Leader Cllr. Carl Les Says “Sorry” an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on NYCC Leader’s response to Nigel’s Open Letter to him regarding JIMMY SAVILE‘s fellow pervert and rapist of children, PETER JACONELLI. ~~~~~ Background [...]

August 1, 2015 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council