A gloriously acerbic Letter to the Editor from SBC Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF [Ind.Ind.] (Hertford), letting some gas out of the desperate Tory pairing in the Hertford (Hunmanby) Ward – Councillor Godfrey ALLANSON and ex-Kipper, ‘Tweeting’ Tom SESTON – who, respectively, [...]
“The Persistence of Mummery” – NYCC Hunkers Down an “In My View” article by Nigel Ward – reporting on a rather naïve and futile attempt by the North Yorkshire County Council Standards Committee to hinder the further investigation of wrong-doing [...]
A recent article highlighted a mileage repayment from County Councillor David Jeffels (Seamer & Derwent Valley Ward). It was established that Cllr Jeffels attended a ‘Conservative Away Day’ meeting on the 17th October 2011 at the ‘Leeming Bar Hotel’ and [...]
Ethics versus Expediency @ NYCC an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on the balancing act – between Ethics and Expediency; between what is morally right and what is merely convenient – performed by Monitoring Officers in attempting [...]
“I Accuse” A ‘In My View’ article – gloves-off/no-holds-barred – by Nigel Ward, addressing evasion – at the highest levels of Local Government – to address breaches of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct in a fair, just, transparent and honourable [...]
4,000 Holes In Blackburn Cover-Up an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on an unexpected twist in the apparent COVER-UP of the alleged siphoning-off of Allowances for party-political purposes by ‘double-dipper’ North Yorkshire County Councillor John BLACKBURN (also [...]
County Councillor BLACKBURN “would not do that” – Oh, really? an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on another sorry travesty of the Complaints Procedure at NYCC. ~ On 16th December 2012, I published an article entitled “The [...]
“Mistress Mileage” CodHead must have been reading the Mileage Expenses claims of some of our most venerable County Councillors. Sooner or later, someone will meet himself coming back! [Satire] [...]
N Yorks Council CEO under renewed pressure – an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward ~ Talking to a ‘tame’ Councillor last week, I discovered that there are still some people who see nothing wrong with ‘double-dipping’ – the [...]
The Stamp(s) of Authority? – an ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Back on 2nd December, Real Whitby published an article of mine entitled “Double-Dipping double-talk – a ‘frank and honest’ statement?”. Three [...]