SIDDONS – Judicial Review or Public Apology While the rest of the Borough tittered at the expense of SBC Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.], who made a complete ass of himself in his interview with BBC Look North last Thursday 22nd [...]
Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY, former Independent ERYC Councillor and nationally renowned parking campaigner, has laid down the gauntlet to SBC Director of Legal & Governance Services Lisa DIXON in respect of motorhomes parking at the Whitby Abbey Car Park (the [...]
“Whitby Winter Welcome” A Letter to the Editor from motorhomer and lifelong Whitby enthusiast TOM PEIL, of Preston, who does not intend to be deterred by the SBC Labour Leader’s small-minded ‘cold shoulder’ – to the Whitby Abbey Aire proposal, [...]
WTC Supports Whitby Abbey Aire an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a small measure of progress in regard to the Whitby Abbey Aire (Winter Motorhome facility) proposal initiated by campaigner Andy STRANGEWAY assisted by myself and [...]
Sealife Centre Signage – Waste of Resources by ANDY STRANGEWAY ~~~~~ Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) yesterday wasted further resources by erecting signage at the Sealife Centre stating “No Overnight Camping/Caravans“. Unfortunately, SBC failed to appreciate that they have no legal framework [...]
“A Breath of Fresh AIRE“ A Letter to the Editor by IAN LOWNDES, from Derbyshire, writing in response to the “Whitby Abbey Aire“ initiative launched by campaigner ANDY STRANGEWAY and Enquirer stalwart NIGEL WARD, promoting a winter off-season facility for [...]
Whitby Abbey ‘Aire’ – a Winter Lifeline an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering a ray of hope for businesses in Whitby – and the whole of East and North Yorkshire. ~~~ The North Yorks Enquirer has received [...]
HDC Fails to Enforce Parking Tickets Campaigner ANDY STRANGEWAY, today’s Guest Author, celebrates one year since he visited, in company with Enquirer regular NIGEL WARD, Hambleton District Councillor Carl LES [Con.] Leader of North Yorkshire County Council, at the Leeming [...]
Duty Of Care – Working From Home Campaigner and occasional Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY has posed a very interesting series of questions to SBC CEO Mr Mike GREENE (pictured above) – questions which may well have a far wider impact. He [...]
Funerals – Our Last Rights Having seen North Yorks Enquirer stalwarts TIM THORNE and TIM HICKS highlight senior officers of the North Yorkshire Police acting beyond their authority during the national ‘lockdown’ imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Guest [...]