Sunday 22nd December 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

ERYC: ROBINSON Files Police Complaint against PARNABY

ERYC: ROBINSON Files Police Complaint against PARNABY

report by NIGEL WARD.



Regular readers will recall the name of Peter ROBINSON, the Cottingham developer who has been attempting, for well over a year now, to call time on the conduct of out-going East Riding of Yorkshire Council Leader, Councillor Stephen PARNABY [Con.]. To review the back-story, please click on the following link to the NYE Archive Pages for Peter ROBINSON.

Mr PETER ROBINSON – Reviewing his extensive evidential material


Mr ROBINSON has now published an Open Letter to Chief Constable Lee FREEMAN of the Humberside Police, setting out a compelling case for deep and diligent investigation of allegedly criminal conduct on the part of ERYC Leaders Councillor Stephen PARNABY [Con.].

The four supporting documents referred to in Mr ROBINSON’s Open Letter are reproduced in JPG image format immediately following the Letter (embedded in PDF format). In my view, the terms of the Open Letter seem to suggest that other ERYC personnel may have been implicated in an attempt to conceal wrongdoing. I leave readers to draw their own conclusions.


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