Wednesday 17th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

“Won’t You Come Home, Alex Bailey?”

“Won’t You Come Home, Alex Bailey?” Guest Author Alderman NORMAN MURPHY shares his opinion of the democratic contribution provided by Castle Ward Councillor ALEX BAILEY [Lab.]. It is not a high opinion . . . ~~~~~ Have you seen this [...]

October 24, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

EXCLUSIVE: Defection from Indie Group

EXCLUSIVE: Defection from Indie Group – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting and commenting on a highly significant development in the dynamic of the resistance to the ARGOS proposal. ~~~~~ Regular readers will recall that, in the [...]

October 23, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

ARGOS Public Meeting: Report

ARGOS Public Meeting: Report –  an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD reporting on the Public Meeting to discuss the ARGOS proposals, held at the Library in Scarborough on the evening of Tuesday 19th October 2021. ~~~~~ I was [...]

October 20, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

The Tuesday Argos Public Meeting

Scarborough Borough Council’s long term plan to flush £14 million of Borough taxpayer’s down the toilet and spend £22 million on a block of flats for students and nurses, which will only be worth £7 million when it opens, will [...]

October 17, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

ARGOS: Public Meeting Called

ARGOS: Public Meeting Called – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, covering the very latest developments in the ARGOS saga. ~~~~~ Hard on the heels of yesterday’s article “CORRIGAN Appeals re ARGOS Madness” (covering the ‘regeneration’ of the [...]

October 16, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

CORRIGAN Appeals re ARGOS Madness

CORRIGAN Appeals re ARGOS Madness – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the third Planning Application in respect of the so-called ‘regeneration’ of the former ARGOS building on Newborough, Scarborough. ~~~~~ The Scarborough News of [...]

October 15, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

That ARGOS Artist’s Impression

That ARGOS Artist’s Impression Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY, SBC Alderman and former Councillor, shares his thoughts on the artist’s impression (shown below) provided with the Wrenbridge/Bucchleuch Properties Planning Application for the ‘regeneration’ of the former ARGOS building: 20_02167_FL ~~~~~ As [...]

October 9, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

BENCHMARK & the Grossly Incompetent Council

In November 2017, I published an article which delved into the legal and financial detail surrounding the £9 million loan Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) gave Benchmark Leisure Ltd to build the Water Park. I pointed out there was no charge [...]

October 5, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

ARGOS Planning Shambles

ARGOS Planning Shambles – an “In My View”article by NIGEL WARD, providing commentary and opinion on the farcical mismanagement of the Planning Application in respect of the so-called ‘regeneration’ of the former ARGOS building on Newborough, Scarborough. ~~~~~ Local readers [...]

October 3, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Cllr Chance’s Harbour Challenge

Cllr Chance’s Harbour Challenge NYE Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS writes in response to the Enquirer’s disclosure of the email sent by Councillor David CHANCE [Con.] to SBC Leader, Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] – see “SBC Rogue Officers Wagging The Dog [...]

October 1, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council