Saturday 31st August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

“Absinthe Without Love”

“Absinthe Without Love” A Letter to the Editor from a concerned reader in Whitby who has clearly followed our example when it comes to the forensic examination of evidence documenting questionable administration of public funds. ~~~~~ Dear sir, Your readers [...]

March 8, 2021 Letters

FAO: Cllr Janet Jefferson

An Open Letter to Scarborough Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources (including Harbours), Councillor Janet Jefferson [Ind.], from shell-fisherman BOB ROBERTS. ~~~~~ Dear Councillor Jefferson, As you are already aware,  come spring of 2022, the whole nature of from [...]

March 5, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

“A Threat Too Far”

“A Threat Too Far” A Letter to the Editor from a septuagenarian elector of the Borough who has shared with the Enquirer a letter of complaint to SBC CEO Mike Greene that confirms a pattern of behaviour as reported in [...]

January 26, 2021 Letters

NYP COVID Fines Fraudulent?

NYP COVID Fines Fraudulent? A Letter to the Editor from HEINRIK PORZEL, offering an alternative perspective on breaches of the COVID-19 Regulations,  in response to TIM HICKS’ recent article “The Roseberry Topping Controversy”. ~~~~~ Dear Sir I was interested in [...]

December 16, 2020 Letters, North Yorkshire Police

“I Didn’t Vote Labour”

“I Didn’t Vote Labour” A Letter to the Editor from FRANK CHALMERS, commenting on the achievements of the present SBC administration. ~~~~~ Mr Editor, I write to register my absolute disappointment with the current administration at Scarborough Council; that of [...]

November 26, 2020 Letters

“Praise & Condemnation”

“Praise & Condemnation” A Letter to the Editor from WILLIAM PARKIN of Hinderwell, commenting on both sides of the YCBID stand-off. ~~~~~ Dear Sir, First of all, I am not in business and am not affected by the Yorkshire Coast [...]

November 25, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

“Light Bulb Moments”

A Letter to the Editor from SANDRA TURNER, former Scarborough Borough Council Portfolio Holder and Whitby Town Councillor,  bemoaning the abysmal performance and general lack of imagination evinced by Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd, a.k.a. ‘YCBID’, ‘DBID’, or ‘the BID’. And [...]

November 23, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

“Public Questions: It’s a Knock-Out!”

Today’s Letter to the Editor, in a rare exception to Enquirer policy in respect of the mandatory attribution of sources, is published anonymously at the special request of the author, a prominent Scarborough businessman of over half a century’s tenure, [...]

November 21, 2020 Letters

“SBC Auditors Controversy”

“SBC Auditors Controversy” As well as covering crime and parliamentary affairs, Tim Hicks is also a Chartered Accountant. The Enquirer asked him for his opinion on the recent Financial Reporting Council report into the quality of the local authority audits [...]

November 5, 2020 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Whitby Winter Welcome”

“Whitby Winter Welcome” A Letter to the Editor from motorhomer and lifelong Whitby enthusiast TOM PEIL, of Preston, who does not intend to be deterred by the SBC Labour Leader’s small-minded ‘cold shoulder’ – to the Whitby Abbey Aire proposal, [...]

October 29, 2020 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council