Wednesday 11th September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Six Grand Questions

Six Grand Questions

An Open Letter to Mr Clive ROWE-EVANS, Chair and Director of Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District (YCBID, from a levy refusenik seeking information in the public interest. Just asking . . .


Dear Clive,

I understand that the BID has given financial support to a BID Director to visit Canada, and I am also mindful of the fact that the BID governs itself according to the Seven Principles of Public Life (also known as the Nolan Principles). It is obviously interesting for Levy-payers to understand how our monies are being invested on our behalf, and I just wanted to ask:

i) Did a BID Director in fact visit Canada with BID financial support paid by levy-payers and, if so, when did he/she go and what were the Business Objectives of the visit?

ii) Can you confirm that this Director remains on the Board?

iii) How have the Objectives translated into investible plans which the BID is preparing over the next 36 months? Can you tell us what these are? And what the expected benefits to levy-payers will be?

iv) If the BID Director has since resigned, what agreement was made to ensure the BID continues to have access to the former Director’s experience, advice, and knowledge?

v) When did he/she resign, and what was the amount of levy-payer cash invested in the visit?

And, in an unrelated question,

vi) When is the BID planning its next Public ‘Town Hall’ update meeting, and where will this be held?

Yours sincerely,

Name and address supplied

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