Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

“Corruption and Untruth”

A Letter to the Editor headed “Corruption and Untruth” from ANTHONY BAYNES of Whitby, whose observations cut straight to the chase. ~~~~~ Dear Sirs, In any organisation, the tone is set by the person at the top and the team [...]

September 25, 2018 Letters

“SBC: The (not so) Grim RIPA”

A very welcome Letter to the Editor from ANNE SKEOGH, who writes to clarify the legalities behind Scarborough Borough Council’s unlawful practice and policy of intercepting email communications between members of the public and elected Councillors – confirming views expressed [...]

September 22, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Questions for Council”

Questions for Council – from Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF [Ind.Ind] (Hertford). ~~~~~ As the Portfolio Holder and other Councillors will no doubt be aware, I have been prevented from attending today’s Council meeting by the Chief Executive on the grounds that [...]

September 3, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Time for ‘Special Measures’ at SBC?”

A Letter to the Editor from Eamonn WILLIAMS of Carmarthenshire (where autocratic behaviour by a Chief Executive has cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds and Carmarthenshire East and Dinefwr MP Jonathan Edwards has called for the County Council [...]

September 2, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Open Letter to Lisa Dixon (SBC Legal)

Open Letter to Lisa Dixon (SBC Legal) On 31st July 2018, the North Yorks Enquirer published an Open Letter from Mr Geoff PICKERING, a member of the public formerly an East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor [Con.], to Mrs Lisa DIXON, [...]

August 31, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Another Open Letter to Cllr Bastiman

Another Open Letter to Cllr Bastiman by TIM HICKS, highlighting developments at another Council to which the SBC Leader’s attention is respectfully drawn. ~~~~~ Open Letter re: Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) Policy on designating all NYE Contributors as collectively causing [...]

August 26, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Only the View is Free in Whitby”

A Letter to the Editor from IAN DIXON of Fishburn Park, Whitby, who is less than satisfied with the performance of his Councillors at Town and Borough level. ~~~~~ Mister Editor, It was interesting to read the letter about Freeview [...]

August 20, 2018 Letters

“Revenue First – Safety Last”

A Letter to the Editor from Mr Bob ROBERTS, in response to a recent Guest Author article, on the subject of the rank mismanagement of traffic on West Pier, Scarborough. Mr ROBERTS declares an interest in the future of Scarborough [...]

August 17, 2018 Letters


OPEN LETTER to Cllr Derek BASTIMAN by TIM HICKS – at a time when the local Johnston Press ‘newspapers’ are in an apparently terminal decline, with the Whitby Gazette reduced to a single staff-member, working from home. Only the North [...]

August 9, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“The Public Are Not Fooled”

A Letter to the Editor from SBC Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF [Ind.Ind.] – the elected member at the heart of the current scandal surrounding SBC Chief Exec Jim DILLON’s abuse of ‘power’ – offering a balanced critique of the recently published [...]

August 6, 2018 Letters