Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

Twenchers in the Harbour?

Twenchers in the Harbour? Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS dishes the skinny on another secretive SBC ‘consultation’ (read ‘diktat’), a Trojan horse concealed within the so-called ‘Masterplan’ for the West Pier in Scarborough. Revenue first, residents’ businesses nowhere. And guess who’s [...]

December 6, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

West Pier -v- ARGOS

West Pier -v- ARGOS NYE harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS draws some interesting comparisons – and conclusions. Wake up, SBC! ~~~~~ As the much-debated ARGOS issue rumbles along, perhaps now would be an appropriate time to have a review of the [...]

November 29, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Book Review: “The New Millennium Serial Killer”

A book review by Evelyn Foley, who is one of the NYE’s readers from the Irish Republic. ~~~~~ Book Review: “The New Millennium Serial Killer” – by Chris Clark and Bethan Trueman Reviewed by Evelyn Foley Introduction “The New Millennium Serial [...]

November 17, 2021 Misc

ARGOS: The Myth Makers

ARGOS: The Myth Makers Guest Author Stormin’ NORMAN MURPHY responds to SBC ‘Deputy’ Leader Councillor Liz Colling’s desperate attempts to prop up the fanciful Argos myths now being peddled, at who-knows-who’s expense, all over social media and the wider internet. Does [...]

November 14, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council


Today’s Guest Author is an Alderman with 20 years of Council experience, who now proceeds to FACT CHECK the rookie Leader who allegedly couldn’t lead a one-man band. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you Stormin’ Norman Murphy. ~~~~~ As a [...]

October 31, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

ARGOS Consultation with Scarborough Harbour Users Group

ARGOS Consultation with Scarborough Harbour Users Group Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on a curious disparity in the various ARGOS consultation processes. Is someone attempting to tilt the playing-field again? ~~~~~ I draw your attention to the two statements at [...]

October 30, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

“Won’t You Come Home, Alex Bailey?”

“Won’t You Come Home, Alex Bailey?” Guest Author Alderman NORMAN MURPHY shares his opinion of the democratic contribution provided by Castle Ward Councillor ALEX BAILEY [Lab.]. It is not a high opinion . . . ~~~~~ Have you seen this [...]

October 24, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

That ARGOS Artist’s Impression

That ARGOS Artist’s Impression Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY, SBC Alderman and former Councillor, shares his thoughts on the artist’s impression (shown below) provided with the Wrenbridge/Bucchleuch Properties Planning Application for the ‘regeneration’ of the former ARGOS building: 20_02167_FL ~~~~~ As [...]

October 9, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Cllr Chance’s Harbour Challenge

Cllr Chance’s Harbour Challenge NYE Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS writes in response to the Enquirer’s disclosure of the email sent by Councillor David CHANCE [Con.] to SBC Leader, Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] – see “SBC Rogue Officers Wagging The Dog [...]

October 1, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

That ARGOS ‘Call-in’

That ARGOS ‘Call-in’ A Guest Author article by Alderman NORMAN MURPHY, providing his inimitable insight into Scarborough Borough Council’s mis-handling of the ‘call-in’ motion to review the business case for the Leader’s flagship ARGOS ‘regeneration’ project. ~~~~~ As might have been [...]

September 15, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council