Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

The Futurist Site – What Next?

The Futurist Site – What Next? Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY delivers his two penn’orth on the never-ending story and questions the prudence of the appointment of certain members of the Working Group comprising Cllrs SIDDONS, JEFFERSON, COCKERILL and BASTIMAN. ~~~~~ [...]

February 18, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council


STRANGEWAY 6 v 0 HDC Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY sums up the first half . . . ~~~~~ Over recent months, Conservative-controlled Hambleton District Council (HDC) has been forced, by an uneducated house painter, to make six U-Turns in relation [...]

February 7, 2020 Hambleton District Council

Leeming Bar Parking Ban Closes All Roads

Leeming Bar Parking Ban Closes All Roads Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY picks up the tattered remnants of the disastrous Leeming Bar PSPO (PMSL). ~~~~~ Residents of Leeming Bar, business owners on Leeming Bar Industrial Estate, Pembroke Caravan site and Coneygarth Truck [...]

January 27, 2020 Hambleton District Council

Remaining In Vehicles Is NOT Anti-Social Behaviour

Remaining In Vehicles Is NOT Anti-Social Behaviour Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY bangs another nail in the coffin of the Leeming Bar PSPO. ~~~~~ Remaining in vehicles is not anti-social behaviour despite the fact that Hambleton District Council (HDC) have claimed it [...]

January 25, 2020 Hambleton District Council

MWTC CCTV – Inadequate Evidence Of Crime

Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY highlights the unlawful operation of Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) by Market Weighton Town Council. These legislative failures are common to many local authorities – not necessarily all of those within the Borough of Scarborough, but [...]

January 21, 2020 North Yorkshire Police, Scarborough Borough Council

Terms of Endearment?

Terms of Endearment? Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS brings some much-needed clarity to the lack of consultation over the management of Scarborough Harbour. ~~~~~ Scarborough Harbour Representation and its faults Having witnessed the Deputy Harbour Masters comment to the effect that [...]

January 19, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council


Bullspit! Enquirer harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on Tuesday’s discussion of dredging in Cabinet. ~~~~~ As a person with an interest in the Council, and in particular Scarborough Harbour, I sat down to watch the webcast of the Cabinet meeting [...]

January 16, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC 2020 Dredging Report

SBC 2020 Dredging Report Enquirer Harbours Correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS digs deeper into the state of the Borough’s costly dredging provision ahead of consideration by Cabinet reliant on Officers’ Reports. (Are you paying attention, Councillor JEFFERSON?). ~~~~~ A Report presented to [...]

January 13, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Leeming Bar Parking Ban – Extension Recommended

Leeming Bar Parking Ban – Extension Recommended Campaigner ANDY STRANGEWAY picks the drivel out of the Hambleton District Council Cabinet Report addressing the unenforceable Public Spaces protection Order (PSPO) at Leeming Bar. ~~~~~ Leeming Bar Parking Ban – Extension Recommended [...]

January 12, 2020 Hambleton District Council

“Fantasy Island”

Today’s Guest Author is the ever-popular Stormin’ Norman MURPHY, past and (putatively) future Independent SBC Councillor, who comments on the performance of Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] in his role as Leader. ~~~~~ For most people living in the Borough of [...]

January 1, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council