Friday 25th October 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

“The Not-So-Great Dictator”

November 19, 2016 Letters

A Letter to the Editor from Bernard BLAGDEN of Scarborough, who writes to address Scarborough Borough Council Leader Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] in the public domain and in the public interest.


Dear Sir,

Please publish the following item for the attention of Councillor Bastiman, Leader of Scarborough Borough Council:

Dear sir,

Much has been said lately of comments that the Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, in the Constitution of the Council, has the right to over-rule any decision he does not agree with.

This, in my opinion, gives him the right of being a dictator. This cannot be, in a democratic Council.

I therefore ask you, Councillor Bastiman, to use this right for the last time by removing this right of veto from the Constitution. Any failure to do so would, in my opinion (and I imagine many more people would agree), show that you endorse the right to rule by dictatorship.

I also ask that you comply with the wishes of the Save The Futurist group by stopping the proposal to demolish The Futurist, a theatre that with some care and attention could again become a huge attraction for Scarborough.


Bernard Blagden

a supporter of Save The Futurist.

Bernard BLAGDEN, Scarborough. 20th November, 2016.

Bernard refers to Schedule 2, Item 1.4 of the Council’s Constitution (see below).

Download the PDF file SBC_CABINET.

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