Tuesday 16th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Tim Thorne

Scarborough Labour Activist: “Everyone Is A Racist!”

A Scarborough-based Labour Party, Momentum, Socialist Worker’s Party, Open Borders, Stand Up To Racism, Frack Free Scarborough, Unite Against Fascism, Stand Up To UKIP, Scarborough Against Austerity and anti-Trump activist who claims British Police are murdering non-white people has been [...]

September 20, 2018 Misc

Flamingo Land Tory Donations V

Tory Scarborough Borough Council’s preferred bidder for the now demolished Foreshore Road Futurist Theatre site, Flamingo Land Limited and its director Gordon Gibb, have again made sizable donations to the Tories. The donations, which were recorded on the Electoral Commission [...]

September 13, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

Mulligan’s Meddling Makes Massive Loss

The meddling of hapless Conservative Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, Julia Mulligan, with North Yorkshire Police’s Safety Camera fleet (aka Scamera vans) has resulted in an operational loss of £270,000 for the year 2017/18. I’d love to see [...]

September 9, 2018 North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner


Labour’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Scarborough & Whitby constituency, Hugo Fearnley, was quizzed by a Scarborough resident how he voted in the 2016 EU Referendum. Fearnley was asked three times over email by the resident and to date has [...]

August 28, 2018 Misc

Goodwill’s Shameful Expenses Claim

Penny-pinching Scarborough & Whitby MP Robert Goodwill submitted a claim to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for just 1p. The miserly MP’s claim, dated 15th June 2017, was filed under Office Costs > Constituency Office Telephone Usage/Rental with the [...]

August 1, 2018 Misc

Labour Launch Parliamentary Campaign

The Scarborough & Whitby Labour Party launched their Parliamentary campaign on the Thursday 19th July with a senior member of Labour introducing their prospective parliamentary candidate, Hugo Fearnley. Fearnley replaces 2017 candidate Eric Broadband after the local party decided to [...]

July 26, 2018 Misc

For Sale: Scarborough B&Bs and Small Hotels

Another nail was hammered into the coffin of small business owners in Scarborough as the Conservative dominated Planning Committee voted to allow the construction of a 5 storey hotel on Burniston Road Car Park. On top of the hotels and [...]

July 6, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

Event Cancelled After Scarborough Labour Protest

The Scarborough & Whitby Labour Party, through their activists in Scarborough Stand Up To Racism have managed to force Sheffield International Venues (SIV) to cancel an event about British Identity at the Scarborough Spa. SIV, controlled by the Labour Council [...]

June 14, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

Geert Wilders: Exit Stage Left

Yesterday in London, Geert Wilders, Dutch Leader of the Opposition from the Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV or Party for Freedom) spoke at a rally in Whitehall. Mr Wilders spoke at the Free Tommy Robinson rally and he thanked the [...]

June 10, 2018 Misc

Futurist Demolition Costs Rise

As residents and visitors can see with their own eyes, the demolition of the Futurist Theatre on Foreshore Road in Scarborough has been underway for a while now. The demolition costs for the Futurist were presented by SBC’s Cabinet on [...]

June 3, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council