Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

On The Legality Of Parking Bye-Laws

A Letter to the Editor from Andy STRANGEWAY of Full Sutton, raises some important aspects of local government bodies abusing statutory regulations in the implementation of bye-laws and by-passing public consultation requirements. Dear Editor, As a campaigner with an interest [...]

June 25, 2014 Letters

Belvedere Computers Inc. – Court Action

A Letter to the Editor from David CLARK of Middlesbrough, who writes to inform readers of further backgound relating to Belvedere Computers Inc. (BCI), of California – the SUSPENDED Corporation adminstered by Councillor Jane KENYON-MILLER (Chief Financial Officer and Agent [...]

June 24, 2014 Letters

Proposed NY Moors Toilet Closures

A Letter to the Editor from Richard YOUNG of Whitby, who writes to express his concerns regarding proposed closure of public conveniences at many locations in the Esk Valley. Dear Mr Editor, Many members of the public may not be [...]

June 23, 2014 Letters

JACONELLI: “Is it so wrong to say ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’?”

A Letter to the Editor from Mike WARD, who writes on this occasion not as an SBC Councillor but as a member of the public, to offer his personal thoughts on recent issues highlighted on Real Whitby and the apparent [...]

May 13, 2014 Letters

What a Waste

A Letter to the Editor from Brian TYLDESLEY, who writes to share with us his letter to his local ‘rag’ about how business is conducted by public servants in the District of Richmondshire, North Yorkshire. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, On Friday [...]

March 22, 2014 Letters

SBC & Parkol Slam Gazette Article

A Letter to the Editor from Bob TURNER, commenting on the SBC/Parkol Marine response to the Whitby Gazette coverage of the Eskside Wharf dispute. ~~~~~ Dear Mr Editor, I am sure many of your readers will have already picked sides [...]

March 20, 2014 Letters

Park-&-Ride – now in its 16th glorious year!

A Letter to the Editor from Richard INESON, reporting on the ‘Show of the Century’ – NYCC’s Northern Area Committee “Park and [get taken for a] Ride” meeting of 29th January 2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ North Yorkshire Coast & Moors Area Committee [...]

January 31, 2014 Letters

Local Government Ethics

A Letter to the Editor from Mike WARD (writing as a member of the public) on the subject of ethical conduct in our local authorities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Mr Editor, The duty of any Councillor and Council Officer is to listen [...]

March 31, 2013 Letters

The Abysmal Record of the Spendthrift Councillor

A Letter to the Editor by Richard Ineson in response  to the hilarious Jane Kenyon quote in last week’s Whitby Gazette article entitled “Crime concerns as cuts hit police”: “Coun Jane Kenyon, of the Police Authority, said: “The one thing [...]

March 19, 2013 Letters

SBC: Another Councillor Speaks Out!

A Letter to the Editor from Whitby Town (Parish) Councillor Ian HAVELOCK, responding to  the rank-breaking letter to the Scarborough News from Borough Councillor Stormin’ Norman MURPHY (Independent: Scarborough Northstead Ward), further endorsed by Councillor Roxanne MURPHY (Independent: Seamer) and [...]

December 12, 2012 Letters