Tuesday 16th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Monthly Archives: June 2024

Council Rocked by Independent Resignation

Council Rocked by Independent Resignation an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD. ~~~~~ Speculation is rife today – following the ‘shock’ resignation from the Independent Group of popular elected member, Councillor Guy SMITH – that the Independent Group’s support [...]

December 17, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

‘Flagship’ CHALLENged

‘Flagship’ CHALLENged an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the politically most significant Objections to the SIDDONS ‘flagship’ ARGOS regeneration proposals – Planning Application 20/20167/FL. ~~~~~ My attention has been drawn to further Objections lodged on the [...]

December 16, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

NYP COVID Fines Fraudulent?

NYP COVID Fines Fraudulent? A Letter to the Editor from HEINRIK PORZEL, offering an alternative perspective on breaches of the COVID-19 Regulations,  in response to TIM HICKS’ recent article “The Roseberry Topping Controversy”. ~~~~~ Dear Sir I was interested in [...]

December 16, 2020 Letters, North Yorkshire Police

Whitby – I Am Not Entering Into A Contract

Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY, former Independent ERYC Councillor and nationally renowned parking campaigner, has laid down the gauntlet to SBC Director of Legal & Governance Services Lisa DIXON in respect of motorhomes parking at the Whitby Abbey Car Park (the [...]

December 15, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: The Doldrums

SBC: The Doldrums an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, setting out his opinion on the performance so far of the ailing and failing  SIDDONS administration. ~~~~~ On 7th May 2019, following the local elections held on 2nd May, [...]

December 14, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

The Roseberry Topping Controversy

Non-Essential Journeys #18: The Roseberry Topping Controversy by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Regular readers will no doubt be aware that in accordance with our duty as journalists, the NYE is doing everything it can to support the efforts of the [...]

December 11, 2020 Police

ARGOS: The New Titanic

ARGOS: The New Titanic Regular Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY – soon to be appointed an Alderman of the Borough of Scarborough – spells out his views on the performance of the Council’s Commercial Property Investment Strategy. ~~~~~ As those of [...]

December 9, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Whitby Secondary Partnership U-Turn

Whitby Secondary Partnership U-Turn an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, commenting on the fall-out from last week’s Letter to the Editor, “Whitby Secondary Partnership (£100K)”, by W. SMITH. ~~~~~ Having had some involvement in the campaign to resist [...]

December 8, 2020 North Yorkshire County Council

An Open Letter to JJ

An Open Letter to JJ by NIGEL WARD, seeking clarity as to why Scarborough Borough Councillor Janet JEFFERSON [Ind.] appears determined to alienate her previously loyal electorate in Castle Ward, Scarborough. It does not require a genius to recognise that [...]

December 7, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

“Waste Disposal?”

In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the two-hundred-and-seventeenth in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and far beyond. Readers [...]

December 6, 2020 Photoons