Route YC – Follow the Money? A Letter to the Editor from WILLIAM PARKIN of Staithes, who offers further meat on the bone of Alderman Norman MURPHY’s deeply disturbing opinion piece “Route YC – What is it?”. PLUS – some [...]
ALDERMAN NORMAN MURPHY offers an interesting perspective on the roots of Route YC, a slushy tour of Yorkshire Coast car parks – yet another Yorkshire Coast BID ‘innovation’. Readers keenly awaiting Episode One (the third and final Episode of HERO [...]
A keenly-awaited Letter to the Editor from HERO SUMNER, Chair of the Yorkshire Coast Levy Payers’ Association, presenting Episode Three in her ‘Trilogy’ – “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The pre-amble to the ‘Trilogy’ is available here: Episode Two is [...]
As announced in a previous Letter to the Editor from Hero Sumner, the present publication is Episode Two of her ‘Trilogy’ – “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Episode Three will follow in a few days, to be followed in due course [...]
The North Yorks Enquirer, having previously published dozens of articles critical of Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd, has received a ‘Trilogy’ of Letters to the Editor from Hero SUMNER, who is the Chair of the Yorkshire Coast Levy Payers’ Association representing [...]
YCBID: SBC joins the ‘Refuseniks’ – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a curious development in the Scarborough Borough Council’s relationship with Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd (YCBID). ~~~~~ On 27th September 2022, Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) [...]
SENIOR: Open Letter to GOODWILL – West Pier Funding challenged Scarborough notable and pillar of the South Bay business community, Mr John SENIOR MBE TD, has published an Open Letter to Sir Robert GOODWILL MP [Con.] (Scarborough & Whitby), on [...]
Levy-Payers’ Chair Lobbies MPs – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reproducing a portentous email (forwarded by original recipients) from Hero SUMNER, Chair of the Yorkshire Coast Levy-Payers’ Association, to three MPs – Sir Robert GOODWILL (Scarborough & [...]
A Convenient Lapse of Memory – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, illustrating exactly why the freedom of an investigatory and campaigning local press is vital to a democratic society. Without it, public servants will never stand accountable [...]
An OPEN LETTER to the Chair of Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd. (also for the attention of the remaining Directors and the CEO) by NIGEL WARD. ~~~~~ Mr Clive ROWE-EVANS (Chair) Mr. Karl BATTERSBY Mr. Richard BRADLEY Mr. Alexander M. COLTMAN [...]