Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Tag

Birds of a Feather 

Birds of a Feather  an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, drawing readers’ attention to a rather damning indictment of our local authority’s auditors. ~~~~~ Allow me to introduce readers to an organisation with which they (and, I suspect, [...]

November 1, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

“North Yorkshire Devolution”

A Letter to the Editor from former Scarborough Borough and Whitby Town Councillor MIKE WARD [Ind.], offering his considered opinion on the forthcoming reformation of local government arrangements – the first for almost half a century. ~~~~~ Sir, The NY [...]

October 26, 2020 Letters

Covid Marshals For North Yorkshire

An email to councillors at Scarborough Borough Council shows North Yorkshire Police are bidding for funds from North Yorkshire’s Police & Crime Commissioner, Julia Mulligan, to put Covid19 Marshals on the streets of North Yorkshire to enforce Coronavirus regulations such [...]

October 5, 2020 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Scarborough Borough Council

£3M Cornwall Gamble Mystery Solved

Cornwall Live published an article at the start of the year regarding loans made and received by Cornwall Council. The article was written after Cornwall Live acquired data from a Freedom of Information request. Included in the data was a [...]

August 10, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Sealife Centre Signage  – Waste of Resources

Sealife Centre Signage  – Waste of Resources by ANDY STRANGEWAY ~~~~~ Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) yesterday wasted further resources by erecting signage at the Sealife Centre stating “No Overnight Camping/Caravans“. Unfortunately, SBC failed to appreciate that they have no legal framework [...]

August 4, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

“Due Diligence?”

“Due Diligence?” North Yorks Enquirer resident cartoonist InToon has been wondering why Council Officers seem to think that seeking advice from external organisations with acronymic titles encompassing the entire alphabet somehow exculpates them from any responsibility for disastrous decisions like [...]

August 3, 2020 Cartoons

“How Green Was My Cllr?”

“How Green Was My Cllr?” A Letter to the Editor from COLIN RELPH of Scarborough, bemoaning an apparent departure from the electioneering claims of certain elected members. Read on . . . ~~~~~ Mr Editor, As many people will have [...]

August 2, 2020 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

The £30million Blank Cheque

On the 14th May 2018 elected members of Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) voted to hand a whopping £30million to Senior Officers at the Council to spend as part of the Commercial Property Investment Strategy. The Commercial Property Investment Strategy proposal [...]

July 25, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Eurovision: ‘Live’ from Scarborough

Eurovision: ‘Live’ from Scarborough an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, commenting on a ‘dress rehearsal’ Zoom meeting (ahead of next Monday’s virtual meeting of Full Council). ~~~~~ Entirely predictably, today’s ‘dress rehearsal for next Monday’s virtual meeting of [...]

July 21, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC 5-yrs Overdue Accounts: MAZARS Update

SBC 5-yrs Overdue Accounts: MAZARS Update Regular readers will be aware that Scarborough Borough Council’s accounts have not been signed off since the 2014/15 Council financial year. The prime cause of this five-year delay rests with the legal action brought [...]

July 16, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council