Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Jim Dillon" Tag

SBC: The Empire Strikes Back – with Disdain

SBC: The Empire Strikes Back – with Disdain an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the first signs of a reaction from SBC to either the Whitby or the Filey  No Confidence motions. ~~~~~ I am now [...]

February 27, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Filey Town Council – 12:1 – NO CONFIDENCE

After ‘WHEXIT’ – ‘FLEXIT’ – Filey Town Council Flexes Its Muscles! On Monday 13th February 2017, Filey Town Council flexed its muscles and resoundingly trumped the NO CONFIDENCE motion carried at Whitby Town Council last Tuesday 7th February 2017, both [...]

February 14, 2017 Filey Town, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: The MARRIOTT Gauntlet

SBC: The MARRIOTT Gauntlet an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, up-dating readers on the SBC fraud and corruption scandal. ~~~~~ The “Whitewash” Continues On Tuesday 13th December, I attended the Hull Employment Tribunal to witness the attempt of [...]

January 23, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

MARRIOTT: Open Letter To All Scarborough

An Open Letter to the Councillors and electors of the Borough of Scarborough from Mr Ben MARRIOTT, the “whistleblower” at the heart of the fraud and corruption “whitewash”, directly challenging Mrs Lisa DIXON’s version of events. In particular; “What you [...]

January 2, 2017 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: MARRIOTT “Whitewash” Costs Council £¼M

SBC: MARRIOTT “Whitewash” Costs Council £¼M Today’s Scarborough News reports the outcome of the final hearing (in Hull – not Bradford, as the SN states) in the Ben MARRIOTT constructive dismissal claim. Mr MARRIOTT is reported as estimating that by [...]

December 22, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Leader & CEO Excoriated In Futurist Letter

SBC: Leader & CEO Excoriated In Futurist Letter The Scarborough News has published the following letter from Scarborough resident Bob HIRD, heavily criticising the Council Leader, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] and the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Jim DILLON, in respect [...]

December 15, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: The MARRIOTT Allegations – No Smoke . . .

SBC: The MARRIOTT Allegations – No Smoke . . . an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on ‘the elephant in the Council Chamber’ – the allegations made by former SBC employee Ben MARRIOTT. ~~~~~ There has been [...]

December 5, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

The Futurist: The Jefferson View

Scarborough Borough Councillor Janet JEFFERSON [Ind.] has set out her view of the controversy surrounding the proposed demolition of The Futurist Theatre – the so-called “done deal” – in a letter to the Scarborough News (1st December 2016). Readers are [...]

December 1, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

Scarborough Dysfunctional Council

Scarborough Dysfunctional Council an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reviewing the present dysfunctional state of a Council that has been usurped by the few at the expense of the many – an OLIGARCHY. ~~~~~ When first I began [...]

November 27, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Cabinet Performance Ratings

SBC: Cabinet Performance Ratings In response to a request from a number of Scarborough Borough Councillors, the North Yorks Enquirer has agreed to publish the following Open Letter to the Leader of Scarborough Borough Councillor and his seven Portfolio Holders [...]

November 18, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council