Wednesday 25th December 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "HMICFRS" Tag

NYP Fails HMICFRS & RSM Audits

NYP Fails HMICFRS & RSM Audits by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction It has not been a good week for North Yorkshire Police (NYP). Three events have occurred which have shone the spotlight on policing in North Yorkshire. The Baroness Casey [...]

March 28, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

NYP Custody Scandal: The “Booty Patrol”

NYP Custody Scandal: The “Booty Patrol” by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has recently published a joint report on the inspection of North Yorkshire Police’s (NYP) custody services undertaken jointly with [...]

November 28, 2022 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Police

NYP Custody Scandal: ‘Business as Usual’

NYP Custody Scandal: ‘Business as Usual’ by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has recently published its report on its joint inspection, with HM Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) and the Care Quality [...]

November 23, 2022 North Yorkshire Police, Police

NYP Custody Scandal: HMICFRS Inspections Ineffective

NYP Custody Scandal: HMICFRS Inspections Ineffective by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has recently published its report on its joint inspection of North Yorkshire Police’s Custody Services  with HM Inspectorate of [...]

November 4, 2022 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Police

HMICFRS Inspection triggers NYP misinformation offensive

HMICFRS Inspection triggers NYP misinformation offensive by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction  The North Yorkshire Police (NYP) website exists for NYP to keep the public fully and openly informed of developments in policing in North Yorkshire. My attention was drawn to [...]

October 20, 2022 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Police

HMICFRS: Cleveland Police Inadequate

HMICFRS: Cleveland Police Inadequate In the various articles the NYE has run on Cleveland Police (Another Cleveland Police sex and corruption scandal, UK police reform: Police chiefs support NYE, Cleveland Police NYE vindicated and Cleveland Police: a force in trouble), [...]

October 4, 2019 Police

“Teetering on the Brink”

A Letter to the Editor by TIM HICKS, commenting on the detrimental effect on policing in North Yorkshire arising from the inadequate performance of the PFCC for North Yorkshire, Mrs Julia Mulligan. A downward spiral . . . Now, similar [...]

February 22, 2019 Letters, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

‘Bravo Sierra’ at NYP HQ

‘Bravo Sierra’ at NYP HQ by TIM HICKS Introduction This article concerns the recent Public Accountability Meeting held by Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire (PCCNY) Julia Mulligan, at North Yorkshire Police (NYP) Force Headquarters at Alverton Court, [...]

June 1, 2018 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

“The Winning Strategy 3”

In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the one hundred and thirty-ninth in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and [...]

May 2, 2018 Photoons

Exclusive: Another NYP Crime Recording Scandal

Exclusive: Another NYP Crime Recording Scandal by TIM HICKS Background: The HMICFRS PEEL Assessment HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services has issued its “PEEL Assessment” for Effectiveness on North Yorkshire Police (NYP) for 2017. What is a PEEL [...]

April 16, 2018 North Yorkshire Police