Saturday 20th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

SBC: Why Futurist Demolition Is Illegal

Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) announced it will begin demolition of the Futurist Theatre on Monday 19th January 2015. The announcement was made on planning notices placed outside the theatre. The council has applied to itself for planning permission to determine [...]

December 11, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

“The Party’s Over!” – Scarborough Politics: Looking Ahead . . .

“The Party’s Over!” – Scarborough Politics: Looking Ahead To The 2015 Elections an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, presenting an overview of the state-of-play in local politics in the Borough of Scarborough as we begin the run-up to [...]

December 9, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Discriminatory Parking Policy (PCNs)

SBC: Discriminatory Parking Policy (PCNs) an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, examining how Local Authorities’ determination to wring revenue out of the public (whom they are mandated to serve) has led them to discriminate against their own citizens, [...]

December 4, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Tory Propaganda Distributed By ‘Impartial’ Council?

SBC: Tory Propaganda Distributed By ‘Impartial’ Council? an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on allegations of politically-biased of electoral ‘information’ being disseminated by the Scarborough Borough Council Elections Team. Are any other North Yorkshire Councils doing the [...]

December 3, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Loses Preferred Bidder Application

Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) has had it’s application to take over the running of the University of Hull’s (UoH) Filey Road campus refused by the University of Hull. The University of Hull decided to pull out of Scarborough and move [...]

November 29, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: D-Day for Futurist

Councillors at Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) will meet on the 12th January 2015 to decide the fate of the Futurist Theatre. It is anticipated that councillors will be voting to bulldoze the theatre regardless of the outcome of Flamingo Land’s [...]

November 6, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

Bidder B Donates £50k To Conservatives

The name of the developer for the Futurist site, preferred by the Conservative majority on Scarborough Borough Council, has today been revealed by the council. The council’s preferred bidder, known only as Bidder B thus far, is Kirby Misperton based [...]

October 21, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: North Bay Nightclub Gets License

A Premises License Application by Alpamare UK Ltd has been granted by the Licensing Sub-Committee of Scarborough Borough Council (SBC), despite 316 objections against opening until 2am. There will be a night club operating at the proposed North Bay Water [...]

October 8, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Water Park Licensing Update

A public hearing for the Premises License Application by Alpamare UK Ltd for the planned North Bay water park attraction is scheduled for 10.00am on Wednesday 8th October 2014 at the Town Hall. Roland Duce, managing director of Benchmark Leisure [...]

October 7, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Futurist Demolition Illegal?

As reported yesterday, Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) has started the process of carrying out the long-held ambition of razing the Futurist Theatre to the ground. The decision to demolish the theatre was taken by the Conservative-led Scarborough Borough Council Cabinet. [...]

October 6, 2014 Scarborough Borough Council