Thursday 18th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

Leaked CV Row Escalates

Leaked CV Row Escalates an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, keeping readers up to speed on the escalating row over the leaked CVs of the applicants for the Chief Exec post, abandoned by Jim DILLON and now filled [...]

July 18, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Not For Publication

Having decided to sit back for a couple of months after the May local elections to see what the new administration are capable of, I decided it is time to speak out about the latest madcap scheme coming from SBC. [...]

July 15, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

The Great Expanding CV ‘Leak’ Fiasco

The Great Expanding CV ‘Leak’ Fiasco an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the intrigue and subterfuge behind a massive breach of highly sensitive personal data. ~~~~~ Since the North Yorks Enquirer published my Open Letter [...]

July 5, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Renewed DBID Challenge in Whitby

Renewed DBID Challenge in Whitby The Enquirer has obtained a copy of an email from a Whitby businessman to Councillor Liz COLLING [Lab.], the Portfolio Holder for Economy, Communities & Commercial, explaining the rationale behind the burgeoning objection to the [...]

July 4, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Hebo Rides Again! 

Hebo Rides Again! by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ I read with great interest the article “Handbags at Dawn” and the good news that Councillor John “Hebo” Nock is still at large and doing his stuff. I have written to Councillor Derek [...]

July 3, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

“Rank Hypocrisy”

“Rank Hypocrisy” A Letter to the Editor by NORMAN MURPHY, the former Independent Councillor who many Scarborians hoped would assume the Leadership of the Council, following the Tory collapse. Norman minces no words, beats about no bushes and calls it [...]

July 2, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC CEO Job Applicants ‘Potential’ Data Leak

SBC CEO Job Applicants ‘Potential’ Data Leak an Open Letter from NIGEL WARD to Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.], Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, seeking some of his much-vaunted “openness and transparency”. ~~~~~ Cllr. Steve SIDDONS – Leader – Scarborough Borough [...]

June 30, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“It’s the Taking Part that Counts”

“It’s the Taking Part that Counts” an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, examining just one of the initial actions/omissions of the new administration in Scarborough – one that (like the PSPO fiasco) has Legal & Democratic Services’ fingerprints [...]

June 28, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC ‘Car Cruising’ PSPO Challenged 

SBC ‘Car Cruising’ PSPO Challenged  Oops! It would appear that Mrs DIXON’s SBC Legal & Democratic Services department has dropped another costly gaffe. Scarborough Borough Council has received a challenge to the legal status and enforceability of its ‘Car Cruising’ [...]

June 25, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Skullduggery in Higher Places?

In today’s Letter to the Editor, Filey resident JOHN MOOK offers a personal opinion on some very strange Planning activities at the by-now infamous HA24 development in Filey which have all the makings of . . . – THE NEXT [...]

June 24, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council