Sunday 14th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

Dredging the Depths of Fiasco

Dredging the Depths of Fiasco North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS, using the Councils’ own data, demonstrates the scarcely-credible scale of incompetence of the Scarborough Harbour Management Team’s mindless squandering of the public purse in pursuit of an extremely [...]

June 27, 2024 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

“Cowards – One And All”

“Cowards – One And All” Our Guest Author, Alderman NORMAN MURPHY shares his views on the Prime Minister’s ‘ghost’ visit to Scarborough (as reported in the Enquirer, here). ~~~~~ On 25th January 2024, my birthday as it happens, a very unusual event [...]

February 2, 2024 Scarborough Borough Council

A Spectacular Tory Own Goal

A Spectacular Tory Own Goal – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a spectacular Tory ‘own goal’ played out in Scarborough last week, much to the embarrassment of the Scarborough Town Deal Board (STDB). ~~~~~ Privy [...]

January 28, 2024 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Borough Council Bombshell!

Borough Council Bombshell! A Letter to the Editor (well worth framing) from DAVID HALL, who spells out, in a few telling words, what everyone knows about Scarborough Borough Council – and what the Enquirer has documented over the past decade. [...]

December 11, 2023 Letters, North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Talking Rubbish!

Talking Rubbish! Further to Enquirer editor TIM THORNE’s article “The Talking Bin” (published on 31st July 2023), Whitby Community Network (WCN) has kindly consented to the reproduction of some fascinating information as to how North Yorkshire Council (NYC) – having [...]

October 24, 2023 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

“The Reckoning”

“The Reckoning” – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, thanking readers for their supportive messages following the broadcast of the BBC mini-series “The Reckoning”. This article in the Radio Times (see below) provides interesting background reading: ~~~~~ In [...]

October 13, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police, Scarborough Borough Council

Town Deal Truths and Half-Truths

Town Deal Truths and Half-Truths   Guest Author Stormin’ Norman Murphy writes to disentangle the Gordian knot. ~~~~~ Much has been said recently, and indeed written about, with regard to the £22 million Scarborough has been awarded from the Town Deal Fund (TDF) and [...]

July 25, 2023 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

A Monumental Task?

A Monumental Task? North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS questions the aesthetic and financial judgement of the Scarborough Town Deal Board (STDB). Who wouldn’t? ~~~~~ As many of the public are aware, the Scarborough has received in excess of [...]

June 30, 2023 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Mayor May Not?

Mayor May Not? – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, commenting on a suggestion so bizarre as to surely be nothing more than an April Fool spoof gone wildly out of control. ~~~~~ Earlier in the week, implausible [...]

April 6, 2023 Scarborough Borough Council

“Good Riddance, Dud Siddons!”

“Good Riddance, Dud Siddons!” Please welcome the return of Alderman “Stormin’” Norman Murphy, summing up the disastrous tenure of Scarborough Borough Council’s last Leader. ~~~~~ As those of you who have been following the shambolic progress of Scarborough Council over [...]

March 30, 2023 Scarborough Borough Council