Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Richard Flinton" Tag

STDB Critique

Scarborough Town Deal Board Critique A Letter to the Editor from former Scarborough resident TERRY WADE, offering an informed opinion on the crisis of credibility facing the present membership of the Scarborough Town Deal Board. ~~~~~ Dear Editor The end of [...]

January 7, 2024 Letters

NYC Planning Portal Ban – Claim Debunked

NYC Planning Portal Ban – Claim Debunked Campaigner ANDY STRANGEWAY has encountered a ‘strange loop’ in North Yorkshire Council’s ‘cyber security defence’ package that is causing grave interference to Planning Applications – with no Local Plan expected until 2028. Andy [...]

December 16, 2023 North Yorkshire County Council

“Better or Worse?”

A Letter to the Editor from DAVID HANCOCK of Scarborough, questioning the promised advantages of moving to a unitary authority. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, Those of us who, when details of the forthcoming abolition of SBC was announced positively rejoiced at [...]

November 13, 2023 Letters

A BETTER Town Council

A BETTER Town Council – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, drawing some informative comparisons between Whitby Town Council and a GOOD Town Council. ~~~~~ Following two recent Town Meetings/Assemblies, the people of Whitby now have an opportunity [...]

September 24, 2023 Whitby Town

URGENT: 2nd Town Assembly

URGENT: 2nd Town Assembly – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, alerting Whitby residents/electors to the convening of the SECOND Town Meeting/Assembly within a fortnight. Two major issues were excluded from the Town Meeting/Assembly held at the Coliseum [...]

September 14, 2023 Whitby Town

Scarborough Bottom Enders Betrayed?

Scarborough Bottom Enders Betrayed? One year ago today, on 31st May 2022, Scarborough businessman Mr Peter LEE published an 8-page Open Letter, countersigned by 100 residents of Scarborough’s Bottom End. The Open Letter was addressed to: 1). The Town Deal [...]

May 31, 2023 Letters, North Yorkshire County Council

YCBID: SBC joins the ‘Refuseniks’

YCBID: SBC joins the ‘Refuseniks’ – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a curious development in the Scarborough Borough Council’s relationship with Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd (YCBID). ~~~~~ On 27th September 2022, Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) [...]

October 3, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, North York Moors National Park Authority, North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Letters from the (Sea) Front

Letters from the (Sea) Front Resistance to Scarborough Borough Council’s fiercely opposed proposal to access £5 million of Town Deal Fund cash and throw a further £6.4 million of Council reserves to ‘regenerate’ the Scarborough West Pier, in disregard of [...]

September 4, 2022 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council


How Should We VOTE? (Pt.2) DIRTY TRICKS and DIRTY DEEDS – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD – following on from “How Should We VOTE on 5th May? (Pt.1)”, in which seven ‘hot favourites’ were identified. Some of [...]

April 24, 2022 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Scarborough Town Council Cock-Up

Scarborough Town Council Cock-Up – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, commenting on a gaping hole in the changeover to the new Unitary Authority. ~~~~~ On Thursday 14th April 2022, local news outlet This is the Coast reported [...]

April 15, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council