Saturday 31st August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff" Tag


A Letter to the Editor from Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF [Ind.] (Hunmanby) reflecting on the collapse of the Tory majority – and warning of a potential BASTIMAN-led Tory rebound, given the merest hint of a fault-line in the bedrock of the [...]

May 22, 2019 Letters

“Alas, Poor Hebo! I Knew Him Well”

“Alas, Poor Hebo! I Knew Him Well” Open Letters to the present and (recent) past Leaders of Scarborough Borough Council by TIM HICKS – one in earnest, one in jest. ~~~~~ Open letter re: Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) policy towards [...]

May 20, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

To Condone Or Not To Condone

We had an inquiry from a gentleman on Facebook who was concerned that we reproduced an official response from the Scarborough & Whitby Conservative Association and it was redacted to tell only one side of the story. The gentleman was [...]

May 2, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

“Cesspit Politics in Hunmanby” [Letters to the Editor]

The Enquirer has received a number of Letters to the Editor on the subject of Mr Tom Seston’s inappropriate comments on social media, two of which stand out as reasoned, articulate and thoroughly decent reactions which together encapsulate the intention [...]

April 28, 2019 Letters

Introducing PAUL RILEY [Ind.] (Hunmanby)

A Letter to the Editor from PAUL RILEY, Chair of Reighton & Speeton Parish Council and Secretary of the Scarborough & District Civic Society, who is standing for election in the Hunmanby ward as an Independent candidate. ~~~~~ To the [...]

April 16, 2019 Letters

“No Confidence in Goddfrey[sic]”

A Letter to the Editor from a previous Enquirer contributor, Frank SHEPHERD, offering a resident’s reaction to Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF’s recent critique of the Hunmanby Tory candidates – Godfrey ALLANSON and ‘Tweeting’ Tom SESTON. ~~~~~ Dear Sir, Having read the [...]

April 2, 2019 Letters

“Little & Nothing””

A gloriously acerbic Letter to the Editor from SBC Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF [Ind.Ind.] (Hertford), letting some gas out of the desperate Tory pairing in the Hertford (Hunmanby) Ward – Councillor Godfrey ALLANSON and ex-Kipper, ‘Tweeting’ Tom SESTON – who, respectively, [...]

March 20, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: The Descent into Disrepute

SBC: The Descent into Disrepute Guest Author BOB ROBERTS sets forth a number of salient reminders as the May 2019 local election campaigns crank up. ~~~~~ It’s now less than 100 days to our local elections. In fact, it’s 95 [...]

January 30, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council


DILLON Out! an “In My View” opinion piece by NIGEL WARD, commenting on the apparently successful ruse to defuse the persistent challenge to the CEO’s claimed powers to ban a Councillor from Council, in defiance of electoral mandate, thus preserving [...]

January 14, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Mayor Called Upon to RESIGN!

SBC Mayor Called Upon to RESIGN! an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, up-dating readers on the escalating ‘war’ raging within Scarborough Borough Council. ~~~~~ Following a seemingly orchestrated series of Tweets and re-Tweets (follow the link for details) [...]

December 4, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council