Further to our Guest Author article by ANDY STRANGEWAY, Enquirer police and crime correspondent TIM HICKS has requested publication of his email correspondence with SBC Leader Councillor Steve Siddons [Lab.] and North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Lisa Winward on the [...]
Another Letter to the Chief by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Further to my article A Letter from the Chief in which I commented on the inability of Chief Constable Winward to understand and embrace new media, as a way of improving [...]
The Ripper Strikes North by TIM HICKS and CHRIS CLARK ~~~~~ Introduction Following on from the new evidence gathered by the authors and NYE citizen journalist Nigel Ward, and revealed in the article “Hope”: New evidence. The authors have had [...]
A Letter from the Chief by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction: The four estates of government Within a democratic system of government there are four estates of government: The First Estate is the legislature, which makes laws. The Second Estate is [...]
Police Reform: Police Chiefs support NYE A Letter to the Editor from NYE crime correspondent TIM HICKS. ~~~~~ Sir, You will no doubt remember that in our article Cleveland Police a force in trouble Chris Clark and I advocated reform [...]
In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the one-hundred-and-eightieth in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and far beyond. Readers [...]
“Hope”: New Evidence by Chris Clark and Tim Hicks ~~~~~ 1. Introduction: “Hope” For some time, the NYE has been covering “Yorkshire Ripper” Peter Sutcliffe and his potential involvement in many more murders than those for which he was convicted. [...]
PFCC Mulligan: The Royal Navy Comparison by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction: Commodore Cooke-Priest: A tale of two services. The NYE readership is both thinking and articulate, and well versed in current affairs. They will all be aware of the case [...]
Nude in the Nettles: New Developments by Tim Hicks and Chris Clark ~~~~~ Introduction Some time ago, NYE writers Chris Clark and Tim Hicks started to investigate the “Nude in the Nettles murder”. One of the greatest murder mysteries in [...]
5.11: York: Did Halliwell Murder Claudia Lawrence? 3. Post Mortem on the Failure of Operation Essence 1 Initial success by Chris Clark & Tim Hicks ~~~~~ Introduction This article is Part 3 of the NYE’s series of six articles investigating [...]