Tuesday 16th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Cartoons" Category

“Wake Up, Bob!”

Scarborough & Whitby MP Robert ‘Farmer Bob’ GOODWILL has ‘sort of’ appealed to his constituents to share with him their opinions on the contentious issue of electric-shock dog collars. It is noteworthy that Mr GOODWILL does not appeal to all [...]

April 15, 2018 Cartoons

“Motion Sickness”

CodHead would appear to have taken on board a wide cross-section of opinion, from within the very bowels of Scarborough Town Hall, and the consensus seems to be that at least one Councillor should urgently seek treatment. Heigh ho! Just [...]

March 19, 2018 Cartoons

“Möbius Logic”

CodHead, with unerring perspicacity, follows SBC Deputy Monitoring Officer David P. KITSON twice around the block – to get back to the same untenable position. [Satire] [...]

December 6, 2017 Cartoons

“A Busted Flush”

As ever, CodHead is swift to pick up on a point of priniciple. [Satire] [...]

June 6, 2017 Cartoons

“Delboy Canute”

“Delboy Canute” – Codhead 089 CodHead seems to think that time and tide waits for no man – and no man ever makes an empty gesture. What time is high tide? [Satire] [...]

February 28, 2017 Cartoons

“By His Own Hand” – CodHead 088

“By His Own Hand” – CodHead 088 CodHead is clairvoyant; he listens to Yorkshire Coast Radio – and takes it from there. [Satire] [...]

December 13, 2016 Cartoons

“A Nervous TIC”

“A Nervous TIC” – CodHead 087 Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more. CodHead seems to know where the salami is buried –  at ‘The Star Inn The Harbour’, Whitby – which is not to say that any jiggery-pokery has taken [...]

October 7, 2016 Cartoons

“Threatening Weather”

“Threatening Weather” (after René Magritte) – CodHead 086 In black humour mode, CodHead gives his response to the Private Eye coverage of NYP’s £1M legal action. [Satire] [...]

September 4, 2016 Cartoons

“The Nasty Nine”

“The Nasty Nine” – CodHead 085 Once again CodHead captures the mood of the public, on the eve of the election for the post of Police & Crime Commissioner. Not much doubt about for whom CodHead will not be voting! [...]

May 4, 2016 Cartoons

“Two Rabbits – One Bag”

“Two Rabbits – One Bag” – CodHead 084 CodHead – in cynical mode – seems to think that an entente cordiale may have been achieved on the golf course. A small/medium Academy chain would still look to the LEA for [...]

March 19, 2016 Cartoons