Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

“The MARRIOTT Whitewash”

A Letter to the Editor from former Scarborough Borough Councillor MIKE WARD [Ind.] (who is not related to Enquirer regular NIGEL WARD), offering something of an “insider” view on the forthcoming investigation into the fraud and corruption allegations made by [...]

October 23, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Whistleblower Ben MARRIOTT Goes Public Against SBC Officers

An Open Letter from Ben MARRIOTT, of Scarborough – the man who successfully “blew the whistle” on the Scarborough Borough Council Officers who “whitewashed” (according to HHJ Humphrey FORREST) his attempts to expose fraud and corruption in his own Council [...]

September 26, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Press Coverage”

A Letter to the Editor from retired journalist Garry THOMAS of Strathaven, near Glasgow, offering his endorsement of, and support for, the voluntary public interest work undertaken by the North Yorks Enquirer. Thank you, Garry. ~~~~~ Dear Sir,   Following [...]

September 25, 2016 Letters

“The Judgment”

A Letter to the Editor from Rob BARNETT (who has served as a Labour Borough Councillor in the Streonshalh ward of Scarborough Borough Council since May 2015), writing to request the publication of Judge Humphrey FORREST’s Judgment in the Ben [...]

September 21, 2016 Letters

“No Safe Harbour”

“No Safe Harbour” A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF of Whitby, in reaction to a Statement on the subject of the parlous state of Whitby Piers, delivered to Scarborough Borough Councillors by Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], in response [...]

September 9, 2016 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but . . .

A Letter to the Editor from Mike WARD of Dunsley – as originally submitted to the Whitby Gazette – challenging the wisdom of Police & Crime Commissioner Julia MULLIGAN’s  authorisation of funding for the civil legal action against citizen journalists [...]

August 15, 2016 Letters

“Satire Is Not Harassment”

A Letter to the Editor from chartered accountant and investigative journalist Tim HICKS, commenting on the extraordinary attempt  by a Conservative ERYC Councillor to have Humberside Police serve a Harassment Warning on hugely popular fellow Councillor and campaigner Andy STRANGEWAY [...]

July 10, 2016 Letters

Futurist Theatre: SBC Keeping The Public In The Dark

A Letter to the Editor from Patricia DAVID of Scarborough, reporting on developments in relation to her campaign to halt SBC’s intended demolition of the Futurist Theatre. Perhaps one of the many Borough Councillors amongst our readership will shed some [...]

July 1, 2016 Scarborough Borough Council


A Letter to the Editor from Connie PEACH of Whitby, offering an opinion on the Enquirer’s policy of scrutinising local Councils. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, Having read many of the reports available on the Real Whitby and North Yorks Enquirer websites, [...]

June 15, 2016 Letters

Open Letter: Whitby Goth Photography

An Open Letter from Mike McCARTHY of the Bram Stoker International Film Festival, offering a splendid solution to the continuing contention over the photographing of Goth beauties in the graveyard of St Mary’s Church, Whitby.          PROP GRAVEYARD WHITBY- [...]

April 27, 2016 Letters, Misc