Saturday 19th October 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Police 7: Community Policing June ’24

Police 7: Community Policing June ’24

The NYE’s Police 7 articles are intended to be a one stop shop for our readers covering crime prevention advice, court reports, police appeals for assistance, local community policing news, information on victim support, updates from the North Yorkshire Police (NYP) and the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for North Yorkshire and the Coroner.

Police 7 is one of our most popular features with our readers, who appreciate getting regular updates from the Police via the NYE.

We lead these articles with a photograph of the late Shaw Taylor, as a tribute to him. Shaw was a groundbreaking forensic journalist, who pioneered police media appeals for information in the programme Police 5. His work led to the successful conclusion of many casses in the UK, Europe and the United States through local programmes that followed the pioneering format of his original programme Police 5 in 1962.

Police 7: Community Policing June ’24

New Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire & Crime for York and North Yorkshire

Following the Election of Mr David Skaith as Mayor for York and North Yorkshire on 3rd May 2024, Mayor Skaith has proposed Councillor Jo Coles as his preferred candidate for the role of Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire & Crime for York and North Yorkshire.

This new role will take over all of the responsibilities previously exercised by the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire.

On Wednesday 12th June 2024, the North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Panel approved Councillor Coles’ appointment as Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire & Crime for York and North Yorkshire. She will take up her new role on Monday 8th July 2024.

The NYE has asked Mayor Skaith for a photograph and biographical details of Councillor Cole to publish in this article. However, in accordance with the policy of the previous Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire of proscribing the NYE, Mayor Skaith did not co-operate with our request. The NYE is therefore unable to provide our readers with information on Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire & Crime for York and North Yorkshire Coles.

Everyone at the NYE would nevertheless wish Councillor Coles well in her new role.

The following witness appeals and court reports may be of particular relevance to our readers and can be accessed in full from the NYP website. Address below:

Court Reports

Teaching assistant jailed for child abuse

Former primary school teaching assistant Denise Povall now aged 61, groomed her victim, buying him gifts and sending him texts so she could carry out an “evil and sustained” campaign of sexual exploitation. She had sexual intercourse with the child and performed sex acts on a number of occasions in the 2000s when she worked for a school in Harrogate.

The victim came forward in adulthood and told NYP about the offences, which led to an extensive investigation. During police interviews, Povall point-blank denied any offences had taken place.

However, detectives in North Yorkshire Police’s Non-Recent Abuse Investigation Team compiled a case that resulted in her being charged with a number of serious offences including grooming, inciting sex with a child, inciting sexual activity with a child and sexual assault by touching.

Povall pleaded not guilty but was convicted of all charges at York Crown Court and she was sentenced to eight years in prison and ordered her to sign the sex offenders’ register on release.

Detective Constable Alison Morris, who led the investigation said:

“This has been a long and extensive investigation into some of the most serious types of offences we encounter as detectives.

What we uncovered can only be described as evil and sustained sexual abuse of a young child by a paedophile.

Povall has taken absolutely no accountability for the damage she has done to her victim’s life, so I’m glad we’ve been able to help the victim secure some sort of closure.

He’s been incredibly brave coming forward, especially given the common misconception that women don’t commit these sort of crimes.

Due to the way paedophiles groom, manipulate and control their victims, we know child sexual abuse is under-reported.

So I want anyone who thinks they may have been sexually assaulted – no matter how long ago it happened – to know they can come forward. We have specially-trained officers and we work with organisations that provide excellent practical and emotional support.

You can speak to NYP any time on 101, report it through our website or speak to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”


Firearms incident in Scarborough

NYP is appealing for dashcam and doorbell camera footage following two incidents in Scarborough.

Police attended at 11.35pm on Saturday 8th June 2024 to reports that a man had been assaulted on Wreyfield Drive. He was taken to hospital where he was treated for minor injuries. It appears that a firearm of some description was discharged in the area at the time. Earlier that evening it was reported that an argument and disturbance took place at around 10:00pm near to the row of shops on Colescliffe Road.

Anyone with any information or who has any dashcam or doorbell camera footage that may have captured something, in particular any of the people involved in the two incidents, or any vehicles in the areas at the time is asked to email or call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for John Wilson. Please quote reference number 12240101470 when passing on information.

Detective Chief Inspector Gemma Tate from Scarborough Police Station commented:

“Saturday’s incident will have understandably caused concern in the local community. However, I would like to reassure the local community that we believe this incident is isolated and there is no risk to the wider public.

We have made significant enquiries into this incident, and this has led to five arrests. Our investigation is still ongoing, and we are working on understanding the full timeline of events.

Extra patrol officers have been deployed around the Barrowcliffe area. If you have any concerns about this incident our officers will be happy to listen to any of your queries.”

Whitby assault

NYP is appealing for information about an assault that took place in broad daylight on Esk Terrace, Whitby.

On Thursday 13th June 2024 at about 11.30am a 16-year-old male victim was approached from behind by a male suspect described as wearing all black clothing, black fingerless gloves and a black balaclava.

The suspect asked to use the victim’s phone. When he was refused, the suspect punched the victim several times, causing a bloodied nose.

Please can any witnesses to the assault, or anyone with CCTV in the area call North Yorkshire Police on 101 quoting reference number 12240104395.

Police Officer attacked and injured in Whitby

At around 1.05pm on Tuesday 11th June an orange motorcross motorcycle, that had been driving around the Helredale Road, Larpool Crescent, Rohilla Close and St Peter’s Road areas, was stopped by police in an alleyway.

The motorcycle was then ridden into a Police Officer who suffered bruising to the arms and legs.

NYP is appealing for information about the owner of the vehicle and the identity of the rider.

If you can help please email or call NYP on 101, select Option 2 and ask for PC Nathaniel Stott. Please quote reference 12240103148 when passing on information.

If you wish to remain anonymous you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at

Crime Prevention

Distraction burglaries

Distraction burglars and cold-calling criminals target vulnerable people, callously tricking victims to steal from them.

NYP is urging people to be on their guard and warn friends, family and neighbours of the danger after an incident on St Mary’s Avenue, Thirsk, at about midday on Tuesday 11th June. Two men in a white van deceived a woman in her 80s into handing over a large quantity of cash.

If you saw or witnessed anything in relation to the offence, or if you have CCTV covering the area, please contact DC Quita Readman on, quoting reference 12240103574.

To protect yourself from distraction burglaries, please follow this advice and share it with people you know:

  • Do not allow unexpected callers into your home unless they have a prior appointment. Even if they have identification and appear trustworthy, do not let them in without checking who they claim to be.
  • Use a phone number from the phone book or internet for the company that they claim to be from, not the one shown on their identify card.
  • If you’re not sure, don’t open the door.
  • When making a pre-planned appointment, consider setting up a password so you can verify the caller.
  • If you do let someone in, make sure your front door is secure before you escort them through your home. This ensures no one else can enter while you’re busy.
  • Beware of a caller at your door claiming to be a builder highlighting an issue with your home – this is a common trick used by criminals. Never be forced into making a quick decision on the doorstep, and absolutely refuse to be taken to a bank to withdraw money to pay them.
  • If at any time you feel intimidated by a doorstep caller, simply close the door and call the police. If you feel you’re in danger, it’s an emergency and you should call 999.

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