Wednesday 01st January 2025,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Tim Hicks

Financial Control the OPFCC way

Financial Control the OPFCC way by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Police, Fire & Crime Commissioners, Chief Police Officers and senior members of their support staff are required to publish their expenses. This is to meet the requirement for openness and [...]

November 10, 2023 North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

RIPPER: NYE’s “Hope” goes national

RIPPER: NYE’s “Hope” goes national by TIM HICKS and CHRIS CLARK ~~~~~ Introduction Regular readers of the NYE will be aware that it has run a series of articles on serial killer Peter Sutcliffe (also known as “The Yorkshire Ripper”) [...]

November 4, 2023 Misc, Police

Transparency & Accountability in NYP: Follow-Up

Transparency & Accountability in NYP: Follow-Up by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Police, Fire & Crime Commissioners, Chief Police Officers and senior members of their support staff are required to publish their expenses. This is to meet the requirement for openness [...]

October 31, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

Transparency and Accountability the NYP way

Transparency and Accountability the NYP way by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Police, Fire & Crime Commissioners, Chief Police Officers and senior members of their support staff are required to publish their expenses. This is to meet the requirement for openness [...]

October 10, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

NYP Custody Scandal: Manchester Rape Allegation

NYP Custody Scandal: Manchester Rape Allegation In this article, NYE Crime Correspondent TIM HICKS covers the recent shocking allegations of abuse of women in Greater Manchester Police (GMP) custody suites. The NYE has been raising this issue in North Yorkshire [...]

September 17, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

Claudia: New Evidence 6

Claudia: New Evidence 6 by CHRIS CLARK & TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Claudia Lawrence aged thirty-five was a chef at the University of York’s Goodricke College. She was due to walk three miles to work on Thursday 19th March 2009 [...]

August 23, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

Claudia: New Evidence 5

Claudia: New Evidence 5 by CHRIS CLARK & TIM HICKS ~~~~~  Introduction Claudia Lawrence aged thirty five was a chef at the University of York’s Goodricke College. She was due to walk three miles to work on Thursday the 19th [...]

August 17, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

Claudia: New Evidence 4

Claudia: New Evidence 4 by CHRIS CLARK & TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Claudia Lawrence, aged thirty-five, was a chef at the University of York’s Goodricke College. She was due to walk three miles to work on Thursday the 19th of [...]

August 10, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

Claudia: New Evidence 3

Claudia: New Evidence 3 by CHRIS CLARK and TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Claudia Lawrence, aged thirty-five, was a chef at the University of York’s Goodricke College. She was due to walk three miles to work on Thursday 19th March 2009 [...]

July 31, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police

Claudia: New Evidence 2

Claudia: New Evidence 2 by CHRIS CLARK & TIM HICKS In this article, Hicks and Clark continue their relentless exposé of the Claudia Lawrence investigation. ~~~~~ Introduction  Claudia Lawrence aged thirty five was a chef at the University of York’s [...]

July 27, 2023 North Yorkshire Police, Police