Friday, February 14, 2025

Overnight Motorhome Parking In Whitby

Overnight Motorhome Parking In Whitby

Introducing, as guest author, national campaigner Andy STRANGEWAY – arguably Britain’s foremost authority on parking regulations – whose locking-of-horns with Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) and North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) over deeply flawed motorhome regulations was covered in an Enquirer article on 3rd October 2015, under the title “SBC: Firing Blanks”.

Readers may recall that Andy had emailed County and Borough Councillor Joe PLANT [Con.] throwing down a challenge.

From: Andy Strangeway
To: Cllr.Joe Plant ; Jane Wilson
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 3:09 PM
Subject: Notice To Council

Dear Jane and Joe,

Could I please refer you to

As Scarborough Borough Council have failed to issue a Notice to Owner in relation to SJ06113557 for over six weeks to allow a legal challenge to SBC intimidation of motorhomers by issuing an unenforceable PCN I write to give notice of future meetings.

Myself and approximately six of my motorhomer friends will park motorhomes between the hours of 23.00 and 07.00 in a “No Motor Caravan” location of our choice on a date(s) between now and Christmas.

To make it easy for SBC to ticket every motorhome I am more than happy to phone or text SBC once we are all parked. All you need to do is provide an out of office number. In addition I will text Councillor Joe Plant who I have enjoyed a dignified discussion with on the subject of banning Motor Caravans.

Kindest Regards,

Andy Strangeway

Overnight, 7th – 8th November 2015, Andy STRANGEWAY followed through on his intended action.

And County Councillor Joe PLANT? No show.

Now read all about it. Over to Andy . . .


Overnight Motorhome Parking In Whitby




North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), at the request of Scarborough Borough Council (SBC), wanted to ban motor caravans from numerous locations. They were forced into an embarrassing climb down when I pointed out that there is no sea view (the key reason for the ban) at places like Royal Albert Drive, Scarborough due to the cliff!

NYCC went ahead with their banning of motor caravans in other locations, including West Cliff, Whitby, despite the fact that the ban was for the hours of darkness when it is dark and there is no sea view!

Of course, we could have won a Judicial Review but instead I decided to take “Direct Action” to highlight the insanity of the actions of NYCC and SBC.


Direct Action 1

Last night 7 motor homes parked up at West Cliff, Whitby. SBC issued no PCN (Penalty Charge Notice/Parking Ticket).

I offered to text both NYCC and SBC our parking location so they could issue my friends a PCN, but they declined to accept my offer as:

  • There is no PCN Code for a type of vehicle – As there is no PCN Code, no PCN can be issued.
  • No motorhome parked had a table – As a motorhome that does not contain a table is not a motor caravan, as per the EU Directive, the restriction does not apply.

Direct Action 2

As some of those parking overnight at West Cliff may have been New Travellers, SBC must apply the New Traveller legislation. This involves giving 48 hours to 14 days notice to leave an unauthorised site.


Direct Action 3

It was decided to highlight the fact that regardless how much SBC and NYCC waste preventing the public enjoying their life, campaigners will always be one step ahead.

After requesting all the Byelaws in relation to West Cliff, it was decided to erect a tent for the night, as no byelaw prohibits this.


Direct Action  4

NYCC/SBC, it is time to:

  • Take your head out of the sand.
  • Accept that the “No Motor Caravans” legislation is unenforceable and a waste of tax payers money.
  • Accept that talented campaigners can always find holes in legislation put together by amateurs.
  • We will return.

I am willing to offer Direct Action number 4 to NYCC/SBC. This is to massively increase their tourism industry which is currently in free fall.

They know where I am. YOUR MOVE!!

Next ASOP Meeting

The next ASOP meeting will be the evening of Saturday 5 December in a “No Motor Caravan” location in the Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) area.

Those who would like to join us, the more the merrier, please email or phone me. Exact location and times will be circulated to those attending in due course.

[youtube id=”lDqWQQzWv3Y” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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