Friday, February 14, 2025

Twenchers in the Harbour?

Twenchers in the Harbour?

Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS dishes the skinny on another secretive SBC ‘consultation’ (read ‘diktat’), a Trojan horse concealed within the so-called ‘Masterplan’ for the West Pier in Scarborough. Revenue first, residents’ businesses nowhere. And guess who’s coming to dinner?


The latest rumour on the secretive West Pier ‘Masterplan’ is that the tenants of the studios and galleries on the first floor of the Grade 2 listed  ‘Clock Block’ of West Pier were recently summoned by SBC Officers for face-to-face meetings.

The rumour is also that the tenants have been told that they are to be removed from the ‘Clock Block’, and rehoused on the first floor of the adjacent block, where the Harboumaster’s present office is currently located.

Apparently, the  tenants have been told that the space, presently home to the art studios on the ‘Clock Block’, has been earmarked for a ‘top-end’ seafood restaurant and that the present narrow access balcony is to be widened to take seating and tables to accommodate al fresco dining.

They were further instructed that:

“This consultation and the information given is confidential and is expected to remain so”.

If these rumoured plans are correct, the questions to be asked are:

  • “Where will the revenue from any restaurant end up?”
  • “Will the the proposals go out to tender, to obtain best value, or is it another done deal?”

Answers on a place-mat.

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