Friday, February 14, 2025

“Is It Safe?”

A Letter to the Editor from Allan ROBERTS, who has identified that which apparently passed unnoticed by Councillors present at the Meeting of Full Council on 3rd July 2017 – another deft evasion, by Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], of providing a straightforward YES/NO answer to a straightforward YES/NO question posed by Councillor Mark VESEY [Green], regarding the bathing-water in Scarborough’s South Bay: “Is It Safe?”

Openness and transparency? Not on your life! Not from Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.].


Taken from the SBC webcast 3rd July 2017.

Cllr Vesey clearly asks, twice, a simple question:

“Is it safe, or is it not safe, for me to swim in the South Bay?”

Cllr Cockerill thanks him, and expresses his ‘surprise at the shortness of the question’, which is indeed short, clear and concise.

Cllr Cockerill then chooses NOT to answer the very question put to him by Cllr Vesey, and instead reads an email response that he had sent to a different person’s query on a similar, but not identical, subject.

SBC Councillor Mark Vesey [Green]

The reply to Cllr Vesey’s short and simple question remains unanswered.

So please tell us, Cllr Cockerill,

Is it safe for Cllr Vesey (or anyone else) to bathe in the South Bay, or not?


The following two video clips have been extracted from the SBC webcast of the Meeting of 3rd July 2017:

1:15:00 until 1:15:40


1.20.00 until 1.24.25

I believe that taken together, they provide a fluid representation of the debate.



[youtube id=”d7AltIdGsGo” width=”620″ height=”360″] [youtube id=”xaXwNxLdfTc” width=”620″ height=”360″]

NB: Enquiries have been made of SBC Cabinet Portfolio Holder Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.] regarding the integrity of the cladding on the Futurist Theatre.

Councillor COCKERILL has still neither acknowledged nor responded to these enquiries.


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