Thursday 18th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

Changing Partners

Changing Partners an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a tectonic shift at the Puzzle Palace. ~~~~~ One of three Tory County Councillors who recently suffered de-selection from solid seats at North Yorkshire County Council has resigned [...]

November 27, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Robbing Vincent to Pay Paul

Robbing Vincent to Pay Paul North Yorks Enquirer Harbours Correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS identifies a typical soft-shoe-shuffle around the Puzzle Palace money-go-round. The Scarborough Harbour Reserve Fund has been taken short . . . ~~~~~ The Harbour Reserve Fund is being [...]

November 27, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Question Time for the Beeb

Question Time for the Beeb A Letter to the Editor from the Independent SBC member for Hunmanby ward, Councillor Michelle DONOHUE-MONCRIEFF, who writes to shed light on the Randerson/BBC collusion allegations. ~~~~~ To the editor, I read with interest the [...]

November 23, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Randerson Flouts Purdah

Deputy leader of the Labour group on Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) Cllr Tony Randerson has been using public sector resources during an election period to campaign for the Labour Party at the General Election. Randerson transgressed the pre-election period rules [...]

November 22, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

“The Cinematographer’s Party”

Guest author ALI WILKINS reports on the Planning Consent for the Northside Multiplex Cinema. ~~~~~ Five years down the line and we are still waiting for the promised Multiplex Cinema.  Many of you will know from my previous articles I [...]

November 19, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Scarborough Borough Dredger Hits Harbour Paydirt

Scarborough Borough Dredger Hits Harbour Paydirt NYE Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on another inefficient disbursement of public funds. ~~~~~ In 2014, a Report entitled ‘Scarborough Borough Dredging System Overview’ and authored by the Borough Harbour Master Capt Ian Vasey, [...]

November 16, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

DBID: Bonfire of the Vanities

Bonfire of the Vanities an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD up-dating readers on a number of salient developments in the top story. ~~~~~ Following SBC’s decision to commission a fully independent and impartial investigation into its own role [...]

November 13, 2019 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Misc, Scarborough Borough Council

FREE “Keep Warm & Well” Event

FREE “Keep Warm & Well” Event Drop in, folks. Costs you nothing. You might be on a winner. [...]

November 13, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

“The Shambolic DBID”

Guest Author STORMIN’ NORMAN MURPHY, twenty years a Scarborough Borough Councillor whose intimate knowledge of Council practices and policies lends authority to his opinions, writes on the instigation of the District Business Improvement Destination initiative aklong the Yorkshire Coast. ~~~~~ [...]

November 12, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

DBID: Pop Goes the Weasel!

DBID: Pop Goes the Weasel! an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering some insight into where the DBID money goes . . . ~~~~~ In the aftermath of the Scarborough Borough Council resolution carried on Monday 4th November [...]

November 8, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council