Whitby School Partnership (£100K)

Whitby School Partnership (£100K)

A Letter to the Editor from W. SMITH, regarding a bizarre twist in what used to be known as the Eskdale School saga.



I have just read the attached document (see below) proposing an ‘Executive Head’ for the secondary schools in Whitby. Shocked is an understatement.

An Executive Head for 2 small schools beggars belief! The document itself is flimsy, lacking in real evidence and a poor piece of PR. It seems a decision has already been made.

“Governors have launched a formal consultation process this week, and although this only formally involves the Head teachers, we are keen that staff and families have an opportunity to respond by putting questions and suggestions in writing to the Chair of the Selection Committee.”

At a time when students and teachers have been put under the most enormous pressure by COVID-19, and the massive ongoing cost to schools (which has been well documented), that the governors and others see fit to add to an already really bloated management structure, when in reality that money – £100k plus – could be more effectively used.

In this ‘consultation’ has anybody bothered to ask the students and staff at the ‘chalk face’ what they want? I suspect an Executive Head would not be high on the list.

The letter also suggests that they need this person in order to allow Heads & SLTs of schools to do their job?

This implies that the Heads and SLTs are not capable at the moment?

In this area we have seen the results of Executive Heads. The stand out being – WCC Head becomes EH of Filey School. School fails and is taken over by Ebor Academy Trust. Instead, here is my suggestion (it’s not exhaustive but common sense)

Manifesto for Secondary Schools in Whitby 

  1. All students should be taught in safe, well-resourced classrooms, regardless of age, ablity, gender or religion by well-motivated teachers. Students should be encouraged to participate in developing the school as a place of learning and self-development.
  2. All staff should be supported in their crucial role as educators of this community. They should feel safe and free from bullying, harassment and supported in their CPD as professionals.
  3. Senior staff should lead by example, teaching, mentoring, developing and supporting all staff.
  4. Governors should hold heads and SLT to account for the above regularly. Use funding effectively staring at the bottom (in the classroom). They should also lobby for more funds at every opportunity.
  5. A positive environment should be developed and an open approach by all to create a vibrant learning hub in this small community

Simple steps putting the classroom, student and staff wellbeing at the heart of education.

If the other goes through the costs at the top will be enormous and redundancies at the bottom (where it counts) will surely follow. I do wonder how they will dress that up. Have they got anyone lined up?

Many of these governors are the very same who fought to Save Eskdale. They should be ashamed.

Yours, etc

W. Smith

Suggestions, in writing, to the Chair of the Selection Committee, Carolyn Watkinson.

Carolyn’s contact details are:


Carolyn Watkinson
Chair of Selection Committee
Whitby Sixth Form,
Scoresby Site,
Airy Hill,
North Yorkshire,
Y021 lQA



At the end of the consultation period, the Governors will make their decision as to whether the proposal goes forward in its current form, an altered form, or not at all.

Download the PDF file WSP_Letter_to_Parents.

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